The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 142: Using Force Directly

Chapter 142: Using Force Directly (2)
The old lady nodded: "You go!"

After having the old lady's support, Chen's expression is different from when he came, he is full of power and will not be violated by anyone.

Mrs. Chen returned to Tianxiang Garden and asked Nanny Chen and Nanny Lai to take five or six rough envoys to arrest people.

After the rumors spread yesterday, the Chen family naturally sent someone to investigate secretly. Originally, she was sure that Erlan's girl had spread the news, but the result of the secret investigation was that Erlan stayed by Yan Xiaofan's side to serve yesterday. He didn't interact with the maids and women in other courtyards at all, and he couldn't find out where the rumors came from. He secretly asked a few servant girls and women, but they were all puzzled. They only said that when they were on duty, Suddenly, someone beside them said that, but they didn't know who said it.

Mrs. Chen was very puzzled, and thought to herself, could it be that the girl Erlan really has great powers and has already set up eyeliner in all the courtyards, and only waited for this time that the eldest young master and the second young lady were both sick at the same time before people spread the news?

Chen frowned with willow eyebrows, her beautiful eyes were gloomy and cold, the normally dignified and beautiful face was now haunted by evil, very sinister and frightening.

Hmph, no matter whether it's Erlan's biography or not, she doesn't plan to let Erlan and those people who are close to Erlan be spared!
On the Sanskrit side, Yan Xiaofan's high fever has subsided, and his whole body is much better, but he is still a little weak.

Yan Xiaofan was half lying on the bed at this time, leaning on a pillow behind his back, holding a book of poetry in his hand, but he didn't turn a page for a long time, obviously in a daze.

Rumors were spreading outside, and Bi Erlan shocked her even more when she told her that Mrs. Chen was going to kill her.She didn't know whether the rumors were true or not, but when she heard that she and Yan Chuxu were actually a pair of twin brothers and sisters, she felt a little happy in her heart. As for why she was happy, she herself couldn't explain it clearly.

Tian Xing and Xiang Guo sat at the table in the inner room to accompany Yan Xiaofan, watching backgammon in front of them, but their eyes glanced at Yan Xiaofan from time to time.

Putao and Shuili were doing embroidery work in the tea room, and they wanted to talk but dared not, because this time they almost turned against each other, and the second young lady and her three maids didn't like them any more.

Grandma Zhong is also hiding in the house doing embroidery work. With Ai Lan around, she can only keep her head down now, for fear of implicating the lives of her family.

In the small kitchen, Madam Tao and Nanny Shen, the rough envoys, were also talking about the rumors in a low voice, clicking their tongues and sighing while talking.

Licorice and Ai Lan sat together on the porch of the yard doing embroidery work. Although Ai Lan didn't have to guard the gate, she didn't want to stay in the room, so she came out.

While embroidering, Licorice stared at Ai Lan, wanting to discuss the rumors with Ai Lan, but Ai Lan didn't seem interested in talking, and just lowered her head to embroider seriously, Licorice blinked and could only shut her mouth.

Although Ai Lan was embroidering at this time, she was also thinking about the rumors in her heart.

The rumors in the mansion were not spread by Ai Lan. As far as Ai Lan knew, no one except her, Mrs. Chen and Nanny Chen should know about the scandalous things Mrs. Chen did back then... No, no, maybe there is another person who knows , that is Ren Bai.

Ren Bai and Ai Lan have the same ability to read people's hearts. Mrs. Chen and Nanny Chen have been thinking hard to get rid of Ai Lan and Yan Xiaofan. The scandals they did back then linger in their minds from time to time. Ren Bai understood.

So this thing was done by Ren Bai?

No, it shouldn't be!

Ai Lan's mind flashed Ren Bai's thin figure in azure-colored brocade robe, and his indifferent face that dissipated like a speck of ink in the clear water.

As far as Ai Lan knows, Ren Bai is just a weak young man who has no power to restrain a chicken. He is somewhat indifferent to the detachment of the world, but he is not lacking in tact in dealing with people. He can become a confidant and friend with that straight-hearted Chen Guangyao. See that he and she are actually the same kind of person.

(End of this chapter)

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