Chapter 146

In Pin Wenxuan, Yan Chuxu's high fever had also subsided, and he was half lying on the bed reading a book at this time. The book was not a collection of classics and history, but a wild history he borrowed from a friend a few days ago.

Most of the unofficial history talks about some secrets in the palace, true or false and unsubstantiated, but the author is indeed talented, and only writes this unofficial history full of suspense and climaxes.

Yan Chuxu was seeing a harem concubine A frame another concubine B in order to consolidate her position.But it is said that concubines A and B have the same pregnancy period in the eyes of outsiders, so the birth date is also on the same day.B's dystocia gave birth to a pair of phoenix twins, but A was actually a fake pregnancy. A was not reconciled, so he used a trick to take the baby boy born by B as his own.B died shortly after giving birth. Afraid of being seen through his plot, A separated the baby boy from the baby girl, and secretly ordered his servants to bully the baby girl, and the baby boy also followed suit when he grew up. Bullied the girl, and finally the girl was tortured to death by the servants, and it was not until the girl died that the boy knew that they were actually a pair of twin brothers and sisters...

Yan Chuxu frowned more and more, and then contacted the rumors that were circulating in the mansion, his face suddenly turned pale.

Yan Chuxu didn't believe in rumors, but he couldn't help thinking about it. The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt. He felt that the rumors were somewhat similar to the palace secrets he saw today.If Yan Xiaofan is really his biological twin sister, what should he do?Should he question Mrs. Chen?

Yan Chuxu didn't dare to think that in the past 13 years, he had lived a smooth life. His grandmother and mother loved him. Although his father was a little strict with him, after all he was the only son of the Hou family. In fact, his father treated him kindly.And that Yan Xiaofan can't do it anymore. The reason why he bullied her every time in the past is because Yan Xiaofan has a weak face that allows others to bully and dare not resist, and the second is because his parents don't pay enough attention to Yan Xiaofan. He didn't take her seriously at all, and he also looked down on her in a similar manner.

Yan Chuxu's face turned paler when he thought about all the things he had done to Yan Xiaofan in the past. If the rumors were true, wouldn't he have been bullying and abusing his own sister?
"Master, after reading the book for so long, let's have a cup of ginseng tea!" The maid Weiping walked over with a tray in her hand and a smile on her face.

Yan Chuxu was thinking about something but didn't hear Weiping's voice, so Weiping repeated it again, Yan Chuxu raised his eyes and glanced at Weiping: "Put it there, I'll drink it later!"

Wei Ping originally wanted to say that this ginseng tea should be drunk while it is hot, but when she caught a glimpse of Yan Chuxu's frown, she politely put it back: "Yes."

Weiping put down the ginseng tea, and dawdled for a while, seeing that Yan Chuxu didn't pay attention to her, she turned and left unwillingly, but when she was about to open the bead curtain and go out, she suddenly heard Yan Chuxu say: "That... ..."

"Does the young master have any other orders?" Wei Ping turned around quickly, with a flowery smile on her face.

Apart from the two servants beside Yan Chuxu, there are also two maids, Weiping and Weixuan, who wait on him. Both of them are 14 years old. The one chosen for Yan Chuxu actually had the meaning of letting them have sex with Yan Chuxu. After all, Yan Chuxu is already 13 years old, and I think he will have sex in the near future.

Yan Chuxu just spoke out hesitantly, the voice was very small, but he didn't want Weiping's reaction to be so loud, it surprised him.

Yan Chuxu hesitated for a while before he said, "Have you heard the rumors in the mansion too? What do you think?"

Wei Ping was startled, and then thought that it might be that the young master was testing her, so she made a look filled with righteous indignation: "In my servant's opinion, this rumor is pure nonsense, first of all, Madam is virtuous and virtuous, tolerant and magnanimous Second, how could the eldest young master and the second young lady be twin brothers and sisters? The second young lady grows up like that, how is she similar to the young master? This servant thinks this rumor is really suspicious..." Wei Ping Said confidently, suddenly paused, and then said, "Could it be that the second lady sent someone to spread this rumor? After all, rumors are not harmful to the second lady, but the madam is the one who suffers the most! The second lady really People can't like it, it's fine to look like that, but it's still a sinister..."

(End of this chapter)

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