Chapter 147

"Enough!" Yan Chuxu yelled suddenly, causing Weiping to tremble in fright, and she was about to kneel down, but before she could kneel down, she heard Yan Chuxu say, "Get out!"

Weiping walked out tremblingly, but Yan Chuxu suddenly scratched his hair irritably, what happened to him, if he heard someone belittle Yan Xiaofan on weekdays, he would feel very happy, but just now he felt that Weiping's words were very harsh.

No, he still has to go to his mother to find out the situation before he can feel at ease!
But at Tianxiang Garden, when Bi Tao and Bi Liu brought the two great gods, the old lady and Hou Ye, the courtyard had returned to calm. In the garden, Mrs. Chen was sitting in the main hall, and Mrs. Yan was accompanying Mrs. Chen.

"Ma'am, what's going on? Didn't Bitao say that the little girl named Erlan was making trouble in Tianxiangyuan?" Yan Cangxiong frowned and glanced at the courtyard, which was so calm as if nothing had happened, and asked suspiciously.

The old lady's sharp eyes scanned the servants waiting in the courtyard, including that girl Erlan.

When the servants in the courtyard saw the appearance of the two great gods of the Hou Mansion, they saluted one after another, and Yan Xiaofan also saluted as a matter of course.

"No, Bitao, Biliu was too reckless. In fact, it was just a misunderstanding. Fortunately, they invited Master Hou and mother over." Mrs. Chen said with a smile on her face, and then winked at the two girls, then The two maids hurried to Mrs. Chen's side to serve her.

Yan Cangxiong obviously didn't believe it: "Didn't it mean that you were restrained by that little girl Erlan? Which one is Erlan, stand up!"

Seeing Yan Cangxiong's menacing approach, Ai Lan knew that Bitao told him what happened in Tianxiangyuan, and his other servants might not remember, but they still had a little impression of Erlan. It was Erlan who publicly refuted his decision.

Ai Lan didn't hide, she stood up generously, knelt down and gave a blessing to Yan Cangxiong: "The slave is Erlan."

Yan Cangxiong stared at Ai Lan for a deep look, seeing that she had a calm dead face at such a young age, he sneered in his heart, and immediately said: "I heard that you spread the rumor behind your back?"

"Going back to Lord Hou was not done by slaves."

"Hmph, most people are accusing you, but you still dare to quibble, come, someone, pull this slacker down and kill him immediately!"

Yan Cangxiong didn't intend to give Ai Lan a chance to refute at all, he just wanted to kill someone to make an example, so as not to breed such nonsense rumors in the Hou Mansion again.

Yan Cangxiong felt that Chen, the head of the house, was incompetent, and couldn't even discipline a small maid. So, why did she gain prestige in the Hou's mansion?

Yan Cangxiong gave an order, and immediately four servants came up to drag Ai Lan out, and Ai Lan glanced at Chen Shi indifferently.

Chen Shi was originally shocked by Yan Cangxiong's behavior of dealing with Erlan as soon as he came up, but now she suddenly thought of the poison Erlan gave her, so she shouted loudly: "Wait a minute! Master Hou, this matter is true. It was a misunderstanding. Erlan did not spread rumors. As for those who testified against her, they were also coerced. The concubine has already found out who they are. Come here and arrest Nanny Shi and Nanny Qi who tortured her. They must have been bought by someone, but fortunately I still trust them and let them be responsible for interrogating those servants!"

Soon, Mammy Shi and Mammy Qi, who had been in the firewood room to coerce and lure those people to give false testimony that Erlan was the one who spread it, were forced to kneel on the ground by several other mammy.

Mother Shi and Mother Qi never expected that Mrs. Chen would kill the donkey and push them out to make up for their crimes, so they shouted for grievances.

(End of this chapter)

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