Chapter 150

Although Yan Chuxiang was a boy, he had an unusually quiet and easy-going personality. His facial features combined the advantages of both parents, and he was quite handsome. If he hadn't been wearing boy's clothes, he would definitely be considered a girl.And Yan Xiaoshi's personality is exactly the opposite of her brother's, lively and innocent, with a mouth that twitters like a little swallow, chubby cheeks, and a very pretty and cute smile.

"Grandmother, my brother and I went back to my grandfather's house with my mother. The five-color dumpling made by my aunt is delicious. After I came back, I pestered my mother to make it too. When I come back, I will return it to my grandmother. Bring some!"

Yan Xiaoshi clapped her little hands, and a little maid walked in with a tray. On the tray was a white porcelain plate, and inside were five small dumplings, in five colors of yellow, green, white, red, and black. nice.

"Hey, I still want to bring food for grandma. Our girl Shi is really old and sensible, and knows how to be filial to grandma!" The old lady was very happy to be coaxed by Yan Xiaoshi, and the little bit of displeasure with Hu Shi was gone.

Hu Shi and Yan Cangrui looked at each other with a smile on their lips, their little daughter is really a happy fruit.

"Grandmother, my mother made this with her own hands. Try it quickly, and I will make it for you when I grow up!" Yan Xiaoshi wrapped one in a clean handkerchief and fed it into the old lady's mouth with her own hands, with a smile on her face. sweet smile.

On weekdays, the grandchildren of the big house were respectful to the old lady, so the old lady benefited from Yan Xiaoshi's closeness, so she took a bite of the dumpling with her little hand.

What Yan Xiaofan picked up was a yellow dumpling, which was made of pumpkin, corn and icing sugar. It was soft and glutinous in the mouth, sweet but not greasy. It was really delicious. So I picked a red one.

Yan Xiaowan, who was standing at the side, gave Yan Xiaoshi a disdainful look, and said in her heart, another little sycophant!
The three sisters Yan Xiaoting are still well-behaved.

Yan Xiaofan was fascinated by the plate of pastries. She had eaten those pastries before, but this was the first time she had seen five-color dumplings like this one. I wonder if they are delicious?
Yan Chuxu was a little absent-minded, but if someone observed him carefully, he would notice that his eyes would drift to Yan Xiaofan from time to time.

"Well, it tastes good. By the way, how is this red one made?" The old lady gave her comment, and then asked Yan Xiaoshi with the red dumpling.

In fact, Yan Xiaoshi only knew how to eat, and she didn't know how to do it, so she turned to look at Mrs. Hu.

"Back to my mother, this red color is made of rose petals, glutinous rice flour and icing sugar. My daughter-in-law read a record in a medicine book, saying that rose petals have the effect of beautifying the skin, so she tried to use rose petals Made cakes!" Hu replied with a smile.

"Really? No wonder it's red!" The old lady said, her tone was obviously different from when she was talking to Yan Xiaoshi. Then he added, "By the way, how is your body now?"

"It's much better, thank you mother for caring!"

"That's good." The old lady took a bite of the red dumpling, and felt that the taste was better than the one just now, so she couldn't help but took another big bite. Because she was a little careless, she accidentally choked it into her throat, and then choked it. She was so suffocated in an instant that she couldn't breathe, and stared at everyone with wide eyes.

Because it happened so suddenly, everyone couldn't react, but Yan Xiaoshi burst into tears.

At this moment, Nanny Yan and Nanny Yuan also hurried forward, patted their chests and patted their backs.

The sisters Yan Chuxiang, Yan Chuxu and Yan Xiaofan were all frightened and stood there in a daze.

Yan Cangrui also rushed to the old lady, calling for his mother, but he couldn't do anything, so he could only yell to send the doctor or something.Mrs. Hu was also frightened and dumbfounded. Seeing that the old lady's face was turning blue from suffocation, and the whites of her eyes began to turn outwards, she almost forgot to breathe.

The Charity Garden was in chaos, although someone had been sent to call the imperial physician, but the imperial physician did not live in the Hou's mansion, and he could not arrive immediately, everyone surrounded the old lady could only shout and worry.

Seeing the old lady gradually dying, everyone thought of the terrible result, what if...

At this moment, a small lotus-colored figure rushed into the main hall, shouted "Get out of the way", and forced to push through the crowd regardless of their reaction.

Seeing that a little maid rushed in and wanted to touch the old lady's body, Yan Momo immediately yelled: "What do you want to do, girl?"

Nanny Yuan also stretched out her hand to push Ai Lan away, but she didn't want to be dodged by Ai Lan.

Ailan squeezed away Nanny Yuan and Nanny Yan, directly grabbed the old lady's shoulders and pushed her hard a few times, and pushed her back a few times with her small hands, and then patted her vigorously, and the old lady spat out most of her mouth with a "huh" The red dumpling, the breathing of the whole person gradually became smoother.

Just as it happened suddenly, it ended quite abruptly. Ai Lan solved the problem in just a few breaths, so fast that everyone couldn't react in time, and they all looked at Ai Lan in a daze.

"Okay...cough cough, I'm fine..." The old lady patted her chest, glanced at the remaining dumpling on the table with some fear, and thought, delicious is delicious, but her old life I almost have to confess!

Yan Xiaoshi laughed through tears, put her arms around the old lady's arm and said, "Grandmother, you scared Xiaoshi to death..." He started crying again.

"Don't be afraid, isn't grandma all right?" The old lady touched Yan Xiaoshi's head and said, then looked at the other grandchildren and found that they were all crying. This grandma still has some feelings!The old lady didn't know that they were all crying from fright.

"Mother, are you really okay?" Yan Cangrui asked a little worried.

"It's okay..." Before the old lady could finish her sentence, she saw Mrs. Hu kneel down in front of her with a plop, and kowtowed three times. The old lady was surprised, "Second brother, get up, this What's the matter again, what are you kowtowing for?"

"Mother, please punish the daughter-in-law, if the daughter-in-law hadn't made the five-color dumpling, the mother would not..." As she said, Hu could no longer cry out.

"Get up, you have nothing to do, if you want to blame, you can only blame me, the old lady, for being greedy!" The old lady couldn't understand that Hu always acted in awe of her in front of her, and now she knelt down to her in front of Yan Cangrui , as if she was bullying her.

Mrs. Hu refused to get up, and insisted on asking the old lady to punish her.The old lady frowned, pouted at Yan Cangrui, and ignored the Hu family.

At this moment, the imperial physician Xu was hurriedly brought in by the girl. Seeing the imperial physician appearing, the old lady thought of the person who saved her in a critical moment just now.

(End of this chapter)

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