Chapter 151

The old lady was very complicated in her heart, she knew that Erlan was not a simple girl, she was courageous and quick-witted.

She didn't know why Chen didn't punish this girl. Anyway, she felt that this girl was very disobedient and didn't have the consciousness of being a maid, so she had a bad impression of her, and even Yan Xiaofan didn't like her. see you.

But he didn't want to, but in the end it was the little girl Erlan who saved her life in a critical moment. No matter what purpose this girl had in saving her, it was her who saved her and was her savior.

The old lady asked Nanny Yuan to reward Ai Lan with 50 taels of silver, which was quite a fortune for the servants of the Hou Mansion, but Ai Lan refused.

Everyone present was surprised. They didn't expect that a little girl would not be moved by money, so they looked at Ai Lan with a little more appreciation, especially Yan Cangrui's family of four.

Yan Xiaowan was not convinced, and always felt that Ai Lan was pretending, so she provocatively said: "Tsk, it sounds nice, you don't want the money not because you don't want it, but because you think it's too little!"

"Sister, how can you say that about Erlan, she is not this kind of person!" Yan Xiaowan hurriedly defended Ai Lan.

"Hmph, who knows if she is this kind of person? Don't look at her, she is young and has many eyes. Now she pretends to be a good person and doesn't accept rewards. She might blame her grandmother behind her back!" Yan Xiaowan thought of her past few days. After being blocked by Ai Lan, it was difficult to speak, and the evil spirit in his heart came out again.

"You..." Yan Xiaofan was about to say something but was interrupted by Yan Xiaowan.

"Why, am I wrong?" Yan Xiaowan raised her chin and looked at Yan Xiaofan provocatively, and then glanced at Ai Lan contemptuously.

Although Yan Xiaowan's words were intended to make things difficult for Ai Lan, the old lady still had some thoughts after hearing it. She couldn't help but looked at Ai Lan, wanting to see if she was really as Yan Xiaowan said, not because she didn't want to accept money, but because she It's too little, if so, then this girl really can't stay, it's a big disaster if such a greedy character stays in the mansion!
Ai Lan's expression was still calm, and she kept standing behind the crowd with lowered eyebrows. When she saw the old lady looking over, she saluted and said, "Old lady, I have something to say."


"May I ask Missy, is it wrong for the servant to save the old lady?" Ai Lan asked Yan Xiaowan.

Hearing this, everyone was surprised. They didn't understand what Ai Lan meant by asking this question, and the old lady frowned involuntarily.

Yan Xiaowan was taken aback by the question, and then she said angrily, "What do you mean by that? Saving grandma is a good thing, why is there anything wrong?"

"If that's the case, then why did the servant girl get aggressive accusations from the eldest lady after saving the old lady?" Ai Lan asked neither humble nor overbearing.

It was only now that everyone came to their senses, and it turned out that this little girl went around for this purpose!
Yan Xiaowan panicked: "When will I accuse..." As soon as she spoke, she felt that everyone was looking at her, and she became more and more annoyed. This girl was really cunning and treacherous, and she actually found her fault from irrelevant places, but she also Not a vegetarian, "Don't misinterpret this lady! I didn't say that you were wrong for saving grandma, I just said that you didn't receive a reward, which makes people suspect that you have ulterior motives!"

"Miss said this, but the servant did not understand. Although the servant did not spend much time with her parents, she remembered what her parents taught to be kind to others. At that time, the old lady was in danger, and the servant knew how to treat her. Yes, it’s not for rewarding money. The old lady is kind enough to reward the slaves. Since the slaves were not rescued for the rewards, why can’t they refuse? The eldest lady has repeatedly questioned the personality and character of the slaves because the slaves did not accept the rewards. What is the reason for this? If the eldest lady is as aggressive as before, the servant will have to wonder if it is wrong for the servant to save the old lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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