The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 168 Yan Xiaowan's Target

Chapter 168 Yan Xiaowan's Target (3)
This time, the old lady and Mrs. Chen jointly selected three embroidery pieces, one with magpies climbing plum blossoms, one with flowers blooming and wealth, and one with mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Just as the old lady was about to let Madam Yan announce the results of the appraisal, Yan Xiaowan glanced at the three embroideries, and then said with great regret: "Oh, it's a pity that one person didn't participate, otherwise the first prize would be that person !"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, only Aunt Wu knew the elegant meaning when she heard the stringed sound: "Oh? Missy, tell me who that person is, so that we can see it!"

"This person is Erlan, the second sister's personal servant girl. She is a closed disciple of Ya Gu. I believe everyone knows about Ya Gu's skills, so naturally her apprentices will not be too bad. But this time she unexpectedly I didn’t participate, so I don’t know if I dismissed the embroidery competition held by the old lady!” Yan Xiaowan said while looking at Yan Xiaofan and Ai Lan standing behind Yan Xiaofan, with a smile on her face, but her eyes flashed with poisonous snakes General cold light.

Although Yan Xiaowan didn't name her name this time to make trouble with Yan Xiaofan, Yan Xiaofan was still a little scared of her, and Ai Lan standing behind her was expressionless, as if Yan Xiaowan was talking about someone else.

Although the old lady felt that Yan Xiaowan's voice at this time was clearly making things difficult for Erlan, but she still felt a little uncomfortable when she heard that Erlan, who was a dumb aunt's apprentice, did not participate in the activities of the Qiqiao Festival, even though Erlan had saved her .

Mrs. Chen has long hated Ai Lan, and now someone stands up for her to embarrass Ai Lan, of course she is happy to see it happen.

"Hearing what Xiaowan said, I really want to see Erlan's embroidery skills!" Chen said with a gentle smile.

When the others saw what Chen said, they all followed suit and wanted to see Ai Lan's embroidery skills.

"Since everyone wants to see it, then let Erlan show us her embroidery!" The old lady said and looked at Yan Xiaofan, who felt uncomfortable and wanted to refute. But he was forcibly suppressed by the momentum of the crowd.

"Erlan, look..." Yan Xiaofan looked at Ai Lan behind him in embarrassment.

Ai Lan frowned, and then said: "Since that's the case, then the servants will show their shame! But the servants can only use the embroidery embroidered in the past instead, please wait for a while!"

Everyone was very dissatisfied, but because they were the first to persecute, they could only compromise.

Seeing Ai Lan leaving, Yan Xiaowan smiled maliciously, blinked at Jingwen, and Jingwen left the pavilion.

Not long after, Ailan took a pair of embroidery she had embroidered a few days ago into the gazebo, and handed it directly to Madam Yan.

It was a pair of double-sided embroidery. On the front was embroidered a seven or eight-year-old female doll who was sitting quietly. She was beautiful and lovely, just like the virgin girl in the New Year pictures. On the reverse side, it was still a girl, but her movements, postures and expressions had completely changed. Now, the girl is running on the grass, free and unrestrained, very happy.

Yan Xiaoshi, who was sitting next to Yan Xiaofan, pouted, with a gloomy expression, because she had been coveting this embroidery for a long time, but Ailan refused to give it to her, even if she paid for it, she couldn't buy it.

Seeing Ai Lan's embroidery, the old lady praised repeatedly, saying that Ai Lan is worthy of being a dumb girl's apprentice. Although the needlework is still rough, it's just because of not enough practice. The old lady thinks that the first prize should be given to Ai Lan. The second and third are the grapes embroidered with magpies climbing plums and Panlu embroidered with flowers blooming and wealth.

Just as Madam Yan was about to announce the results again under the old lady's signal, Yan Xiaowan's voice sounded again: "Wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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