The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 169 Malicious framing

Chapter 169 Malicious framing (1)
As soon as Yan Xiaowan made a sound, the old lady couldn't help frowning, what happened to this Wan girl today?Repeatedly interrupting Madam Yan to announce the results of the appraisal, she said that Erlan disdained the embroidery appraisal, but now it seems that girl Wan has other ideas.

Yan Xiaowan also noticed that the old lady was displeased, so she walked up to the old lady and said with a gentle smile: "Grandma, is Xiaowan a little talkative today? Angry!" As she spoke, she leaned flatteringly on the old lady's side, serving tea and snacks.

The old lady was not ungrateful, she was just trying to make fun today, so she said, "Why did you interrupt just now?"

Yan Xiaowan smiled slightly, looked at the four sets of embroidery including the one embroidered by Ai Lan, and praised: "The embroidery skills of these girls are really good!" The third prize of Mandarin Duck Playing Water Embroidery was singled out, "Grandmother, Erlan is the apprentice of Dumb Gu, so the embroidery work is of course not a problem, but this pair of Mandarin Duck Playing Water is also good, whether it is embroidery or color matching." It is excellent, and it was strictly selected according to the rules set by my grandmother. It is also because of my talkativeness that this embroidery was rejected. I feel a little uneasy in my heart, and I want to accept it. This pair of embroidery, and then I will reward the girl who embroidered this pair of embroidery two taels of silver, grandma, do you think it is okay?"

Yan Xiaowan's words had three intentions. First, Erlan's embroidering skills are nothing special, all because she has a master embroiderer with superb craftsmanship; Shui Luo was selected; thirdly, she Yan Xiaowan was generous and kind, and she spoke uprightly. She not only knew how to recommend talented people eclecticly, such as letting Erlan temporarily jump in the queue to participate in the embroidery competition, but also cherished those who finally stood out after going through layers of selection based on their true skills. Serious people, such as the girl who took the initiative to pay for the embroidery of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

The old lady naturally understood Yan Xiaowan's intentions, and she didn't point it out. She wholeheartedly hoped that the Hou Mansion would be peaceful and stable. As long as Yan Xiaowan didn't do anything out of the ordinary, she wouldn't care too much.

"You can figure it out yourself!"

So Yanmao could finally announce the results of the appraisal, and four embroideries were selected, the first three embroideries were rewarded by the old lady, and the fourth one was rewarded by Yan Xiaowan.

The maid who embroidered the mandarin ducks playing in the water was Pan Yu, the second-class maid in Aunt Zhao's courtyard. She was barely faking it.

The conversation between Yan Xiaowan and the old lady just now was heard by all the maidservants who participated in the embroidery appraisal. Of course, Erlan became the target of public criticism. Those who didn't get the reward were envious of Erlan, and they whispered sour words about Erlan. Erlan is so lucky that she actually became Ya Gu's apprentice and learned excellent embroidery skills. In their thinking, as long as there is Ya Gu as a master, anyone can be good at embroidery, and they don't think about it at all. There are also reasons for both talent and relentless hard work.In addition, Erlan didn't participate in the evaluation within the time limit at all, and finally won the first place. They were not satisfied with the result and so on.

Pan Yu obviously also hated Erlan. If Erlan, the dark horse, hadn't appeared, she would be No.3 and be rewarded by the old lady. The rewards are incomparable at all. In the eyes of outsiders, it was the eldest lady who gave her the reward because she felt sorry for her. Anyone who said it would be ridiculed.

Ai Lan put away the twelve taels of silver reward given by the old lady, her expression was still calm, and she didn't care about the jealous and malicious voices of the maids outside the pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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