The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 170 Malicious framing

Chapter 170 Malicious framing (2)
Ai Lan glanced at Yan Xiaowan, and saw that she was sipping tea gracefully while sweeping proudly at the maidservants who were about to move outside the pavilion.Ai Lan couldn't help sneering, Yan Xiaowan was smart this time, she didn't directly go after her, but brought a lot of hatred to her, but these are not the main events of today, she has been waiting, hoping that Yan Xiaowan Don't let her down too much!

Although Yan Xiaoshi complained that Ai Lan didn't give her the embroidery this time, she was still happy that Ai Lan won the first place.

"Sister, give me another embroidered one that is exactly the same, and I will give you ten taels of silver too!" Yan Xiaoshi whispered to Ai Lan.

Ai Lan gave her a blank look and ignored her.

"Sister..." Yan Xiaoshi wanted to continue entanglement, but suddenly noticed the silence outside, and turned to look over involuntarily.

Leng Ping came gracefully, and wherever he passed, the maidservants straightened their bodies, with shy faces, and voluntarily made way for Leng Ping.

Leng Ping didn't suspect him at first, when he came to the gazebo and stood under the steps to salute the old lady and wait for dispatch, he suddenly found that everyone in the gazebo, including the old lady, was a little surprised at his sudden arrival.

Leng Ping inadvertently caught sight of Ai Lan standing behind Yan Xiaofan, and Ai Lan said two words silently at her: "Idiot!"

The corner of Leng Ping's mouth twitched almost insignificantly, and the corner of his eye glanced to the left and right, where is the little girl who led him over?Leng Ping knew that he was fooled this time, so he didn't know what trap was waiting for him next, but his mind was spinning quickly, and all thoughts flashed in a flash, before someone asked why he came over suddenly , bowed to the old lady and saluted: "Go back to the old lady, the weather will be hot later, and the little one specially asked the kitchen to prepare lotus leaf honey tea and ice fruit bowls to dispel the heat and cool off the heat. If necessary, the little one will immediately Let the kitchen bring it over."

The old lady smiled: "Really? You have a heart, and someone will send it over later!"

Nanny Yuan, who was behind the old lady, was a little puzzled. This cold manager has always done things safely and neatly, and his speech is also concise. If it is in the past, he should have asked the servants to bring the lotus leaf honey he said at the right time. Tea and ice fruit bowls, why did you suddenly come here today and waste your time talking?

Yan Xiaowan didn't expect Leng Ping's reaction to be so fast, she hadn't said the words of surprise she had prepared, but he resolved the embarrassment of her sudden appearance here, so how could she be reconciled?
Yan Xiaowan winked at Aunt Wu, so just when Leng Ping was about to turn around and leave, Aunt Wu suddenly smiled and said: "Old lady, it's rare for Steward Leng to come over, why don't Steward Leng appreciate these prized prizes with a man's eyes?" Wouldn't it be interesting for him to sort out the first, second and third grades for embroidery, and compare them with the results we selected?"

The old lady took a deep look at Aunt Wu, not knowing what she was planning, but Aunt Wu didn't care at all, with a completely careless, natural and casual appearance.

When Leng Ping heard it, he felt that it was tricky, and immediately declined: "Aunt Wu was joking, the little one is a rough person, with dull eyesight, how can I appreciate embroidery!"

"Steward Leng, don't be humble. Steward Leng is well-known for his shrewdness, and I heard that Steward Leng often receives embroidery from the maids in the mansion!" He then picked up a handkerchief to cover his mouth and smiled coquettishly. Get up, the meaning is self-evident.

The old lady was displeased with Aunt Wu's voice. Everyone in the house recognized that Leng Ping was handsome. Saying it, I still feel disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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