The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 171 Malicious framing

Chapter 171 Malicious framing (3)
"Mother, I'm just trying to make fun today. Aunt Wu's suggestion just now is quite interesting. Why don't you let Steward Leng appraise it and sort out the priorities, and see if men's eyes are the same as our women's eyes? I think those girls are also very happy to let Steward Leng appreciate their embroidery, don't you think?" Chen said with a smile.

The maids outside the pavilion also showed great interest when they heard it, and the few people who had already won the reward, except Ai Lan, were even more confused.

Both Aunt Wu and Yan Xiaowan were a little surprised, they never dreamed that Mrs. Chen would speak for them, but no matter what purpose Mrs. Chen had, speaking for them was not a bad thing, and it saved them a lot of trouble.

The old lady finally nodded: "That's fine, just come over and appreciate these embroideries, and then decide the best ones!"

Leng Ping's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a bad premonition. From the corner of his eyes, he subconsciously aimed at Ai Lan again, but seeing her indifferent face, as if she had nothing to do with herself, Leng Ping then He also walked into the pavilion with an indifferent face, took the four pairs of embroidery handed over by Madam Yan and looked at them one by one.

Leng Ping quickly arranged the four embroideries in order according to his own criteria, and Yan Momo saw that it was exactly the same as the old lady's previous selection.

Yan Momo smiled, and said the result of Leng Ping's division, and the maidservants let out a sigh.

The old lady was happy, but Aunt Wu asked again: "Which embroidery do you like the most?"

Leng Ping could see that Aunt Wu must be deliberately looking for trouble with him today, if he told which one he likes best, Aunt Wu would definitely bring up the girl who embroidered that pair of embroidery, and then laugh at him It's a small matter, but if there are any unbearable rumors, it will be a big matter.

"The little one is a rough man, it doesn't matter which one you look at!" Leng Ping said respectfully.

"Hey, is Manager Leng trying to fool us? I saw you touching and touching that double-sided embroidery just now, and you looked like you couldn't put it down!" Aunt Wu didn't plan to let Leng Ping go.

Leng Ping gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest bit on his face, he still smiled calmly: "Aunt Wu was joking, these embroidery works are excellent!"

Seeing that Leng Ping was not fooled, Aunt Wu snorted and said instead: "Today we are talking about embroidery. I heard that the embroidery on the silk handkerchief used by Leng Ping is very novel and special. Can you show us it?" Knowledge?" Although Aunt Wu was asking, her tone was affirmative, and the old lady couldn't stand her, her brows were already frowned.

Leng Ping was startled, and thought to himself, it seems that he can't escape today!
Leng Ping's expression was a little strange, even the old lady noticed it. Originally, the old lady wanted to stop Aunt Wu, but now she is also a little curious.Chen made it clear that he was watching the show to the end, and turned a blind eye to Aunt Wu's abnormal performance today.

Aunt Wu saw that Leng Ping's face finally changed, and her eyes were even more proud: "Why, Manager Leng didn't bring a silk handkerchief today?"

"No, the little one brought it." Leng Ping tried his best to hide his reluctance, and pulled out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve, but saw that the silk handkerchief was very simple. Nothing else.

The old lady couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw it. She thought it was such an astonishing embroidery, but she really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Aunt Wu's gourd.

Yan Xiaofan and Yan Xiaoshi were stunned when they saw Leng Ping's silk handkerchief, because they were very familiar with that silk handkerchief, Erlan used the same kind...

Yan Xiaofan didn't think that Leng Ping's silk handkerchief was given by Erlan. She thought it was just a coincidence. Maybe Leng Ping liked this simple pattern and asked someone else to embroider it for him.

(End of this chapter)

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