Chapter 173

Yan Xiaowan looked at the two silk handkerchiefs that looked the same but were actually completely different, and the evil fire burst out in her heart. She suddenly turned her face and stared at the little maid outside the pavilion who had just testified that Ai Lan and Leng Ping had given each other secretly.

The little maid was originally sitting paralyzed on the ground, but she was frightened by Yan Xiaowan's stare and knelt down on the ground in fright. She also realized that the two silk handkerchiefs might not be the same, her heart was pounding, and she hurriedly said: "Daddy!" , Miss, everything this servant girl said just now is true!"

This little maid named Zhi'er works in the embroidery room. She used to do odd jobs under Ya Gu's hands. By the way, she also learned embroidery from Ya Gu. But because Ya Gu is dumb, it is difficult to communicate with others. In the embroidery room, Nanny Hai is the head Several nuns crowded out the dumb aunt everywhere.Zhi'er is a high-minded girl, seeing that Mummy Aunt is not well received, she starts to look down on Aunt Mute, fawns on Nanny Hai everywhere, ignores Aunt Mute, and no longer studies embroidery seriously.

But ever since the dumb aunt accepted Erlan as an apprentice, the communication between the master and the apprentice has not been hindered at all. What surprised everyone is that Erlan's embroidery skills have improved by leaps and bounds in just a few months.Dumb aunt was very satisfied with Erlan as an apprentice, her mood improved, and the smiles on her face increased.

Zhi'er saw all this in her eyes, and although she didn't dare to say anything, she was very jealous of Erlan in her heart. She felt that Erlan had robbed her of her luck. If it is her, her embroidery skills will also improve by leaps and bounds.

Because of jealousy, she will pay attention unconsciously, and she begins to observe Erlan's every move.That day she accidentally discovered the silk handkerchief that Leng Ping was using, and later saw Erlan was also using it, and immediately hated Erlan a little bit, because Leng Ping was handsome, no matter whether it was the kitchen, the embroidery room, the laundry room or the kitchen. All the little girls in the laundry room admire him from the bottom of their hearts, and Zhi'er is no exception.

Later, she often found that Erlan would talk to Leng Ping, although it was not the kind of joking and flirting, but in Zhi'er's view, Erlan was that vixen who would seduce men at a young age.Although Zhi'er gritted her teeth with hatred, she was cowardly and cowardly, but she didn't dare to do anything to Erlan, she didn't even dare to talk to Erlan, and kept away from Erlan.

Finally, one time, Zhi'er saw Leng Ping handing Miss Six a burden, and Zhi'er knew that it was for Erlan.If it's just Erlan giving Leng Ping things unilaterally, it's fine, but Leng Ping also gave Erlan things, what does that mean?Zhi'er was dazzled by jealousy, and just at this time she heard a third-class girl friend of hers who lived in Wanqing say that Yan Xiaowan hated Erlan very much, so Zhi'er went to Yan Xiaowan to tell Erlan and Leng Ping about the matter. It was revealed.

After Zhi'er finished speaking, she continued to kneel on the ground, waiting for Yan Xiaowan to speak. She was going to fight this time. If Erlan couldn't be dealt with, then she herself would suffer. Although she had realized it long ago, she was still afraid. have to die.

Yan Xiaowan didn't think that Zhi'er was lying, so Leng Ping must have known it was inappropriate and replaced the silk handkerchief. Hmph, it's really cunning and treacherous, no wonder the butler Uncle Liu is very afraid of this person.

"Grandmother, although these two silk handkerchiefs are different, it does not mean that there is no relationship between Erlan and Leng Guanshi. The two silk handkerchiefs look the same at first glance, and the patterns embroidered on them are also very strange. Apart from the two of them using this kind of equipment, no one else in the Hou family is using it. Maybe this is just their private teasing with ulterior motives! Moreover, Zhi'er also said that Manager Leng even gave Erlan a burden Well, I don’t know what’s inside, why don’t you send someone to search, maybe you can find letters or tokens of love!” The more Yan Xiaowan said, the more explicit she was, clearly wanting to prove the crime of Ai Lan and Leng Ping’s adultery .

(End of this chapter)

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