Chapter 174

Ai Lan didn't wait for the old lady to speak this time, and said out loud: "Old lady, I just want to tell you two facts. First, the servant is only eight years old this year. She is thin, stunted, and not pretty; , that bundle was not given by Steward Leng at all, but a servant girl asked him to buy it for his help, inside it was a box of pastries from Meimeixuan, a bottle of face cream for hands, and a set of embroidery needles and embroidery threads of various colors."

Ai Lan's words were heard in everyone's ears, and the reactions were different.

First of all, Ai Lan's self-deprecation is to make everyone understand that she is just an ordinary-looking child, and the young, promising, handsome manager Leng will not take a fancy to her at all. Yan Xiaowan insists on bringing the two of them together, which shows that she has bad intentions.

Furthermore, Ai Lan paid for the bag herself. Now she is learning embroidery from the dumb girl, and it is reasonable to buy embroidery needles and threads. The most important thing for embroidery is the dexterity of the hands, and proper maintenance is a must , so the facial fat was bought just right.

However, the pastries at Meimeixuan are not cheap, and they are difficult to buy. Generally, servants would not buy them to eat, but Ai Lan bought them. This made everyone a little suspicious.

"Ah, it turns out that my sister bought the pastry for me. Let me tell you. The man in charge Leng looks like a petty stingy man. How could he suddenly kindly buy pastries for me?" Yan Xiaoshi interrupted suddenly She said, her voice was clear and loud, and everyone could hear it clearly. They were stunned at first, and then suddenly realized that this was the case.

The corners of Leng Ping's mouth twitched fiercely, and his face looked extremely embarrassed.

Seeing Yan Xiaoshi's cute and ignorant appearance, the old lady couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and pretended to be annoyed: "Young girl Shi, you can't talk nonsense, but you're talking about seeing how Leng Guanshi is stingy?"

Yan Xiaoshi couldn't tell that the old lady was actually teasing her, so she immediately said seriously: "Grandmother, look at his sharp chin, big eyes, thin lips, he looks mean, isn't he a stingy one?"

The old lady finally couldn't bear it anymore, and laughed out loud, the atmosphere that had been stiffened by Yan Xiaowan and Aunt Wu became alive again: "You girl, it's really..." The old lady glanced at Leng Ping's face, so Qingjun's face was actually said to be mean by Shi girl, thinking that Leng Ping would feel aggrieved and want to vomit blood after hearing this!
"Okay, Erlan is right. She is as old as Shi girl, but she is just a child. It is ridiculous to be said to have an affair with a stranger. I saw that little girl named Zhi'er's eyes flickering, and her words hesitated. , it must be because of impure thoughts, maliciously slandering Erlan and Steward Leng, come here, drag that girl down to beat twenty big boards, if she commits a crime again in the future, she will be dragged out and sold immediately, the Hou Mansion will not leave such gossips, There is no need to bring down the ethos of the Hou Mansion!"

The old lady finally didn't want to listen to Yan Xiaowan and Aunt Wu's wanton talk anymore, and gave the order directly.

Two women came up and dragged Zhi'er away, Zhi'er was so frightened that his face turned blue, but he still shouted unswervingly: "Old lady, please forgive me, what this servant said is true, old lady... Miss, save this servant!" , servant... um..." Zhi'er's mouth was directly blocked by a rag, and he could no longer make a sound.

The maidservants outside the pavilion were somewhat frightened when they saw Zhi'er being dragged away. All of them held their breath subconsciously, and there was silence around them.

Although Yan Xiaowan and Aunt Wu were not reconciled, they did not dare to refute the old lady, and sat with stiff expressions.

Chen sipped another cup of tea, thinking to himself, these two idiots, after a play, they failed.

(End of this chapter)

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