Chapter 175

Yan Xiaofan let out a sigh of relief, fortunately, nothing happened to Erlan at last!

At this time, Yan Xiaoshi had already run to the old lady's side to eat snacks casually, while the other aunts and ladies were still drinking tea and eating snacks and chatting quietly, looking leisurely.

Leng Ping saw something happened, so he bowed and saluted: "The old lady is wise, I am very grateful!" Leng Ping glanced at Erlan and continued, "I did talk to Erlan a few times before, It was just asking her how she was doing on errands and whether she was used to it. To tell the truth from the old lady, Erlan actually looked a lot like her younger sister who died due to illness, so seeing her was like seeing her younger sister, and it felt natural. Get closer than anyone else!"

As soon as Leng Ping said this, the maidservants who were still jealous of Erlan and Leng Ping's conversations a few times felt better. It turned out that she was like his dead sister, no wonder they got close to her!

The old lady nodded, and there was some pity in her eyes. She knew about Leng Ping's life experience. The traffickers brought them to the capital, and then entered the Hou Mansion.

At this moment, Aunt Wu suddenly muttered: "Sister? I'm afraid I will add the word love in front of it in a few years!"

"Aunt Wu!" The old lady glared at Aunt Wu angrily. This woman hadn't finished her day, "Have you finished your dim sum? Zihuai brings this plate of dim sum to her!"

Zihuai obstinately brought a plate of peanut crisps to the stone table beside Aunt Wu, Aunt Wu's complexion turned pale, even though there was a lot of resentment in her heart, she had no choice but to stand up with a low eyebrow and thank the old lady.

And Ai Lan here was not embarrassed by Aunt Wu's intervention, and quietly retreated behind Yan Xiaofan after thanking the old lady.

The old lady didn't stay in the gazebo for too long, she just asked Madam Yan to send someone to bring over half a pot of copper plates, and all the maidservants who embroidered something to participate in this embroidery competition will be rewarded with fifty coins.

After the crowd dispersed, when Ai Lan and Leng Ping passed by, Ai Lan whispered: "Why don't you say that I look like your dead grandma?"

"You..." Leng Ping turned his head and stared at Ai Lan angrily, but found that the girl only left a slender back for him. Leng Ping clenched his fists, his eyes flashed, and he quickly returned to normal and left in a hurry .

When Ai Lan was about to leave behind Yan Xiaofan, she saw Sophora japonica, Zaohua and Liya surrounding her. Pomegranate was standing not far from them, and she didn't dare to come over after thinking about it, with a guilty and hesitant look.Ever since Pomegranate compromised under Chen's threat that time, Ai Lan no longer paid attention to Pomegranate. Although she understood that Pomegranate had no choice but felt uncomfortable in her heart.

"Erlan, congratulations, you are really good, you have won the first place!" Huaihua laughed and thumped Ailan's shoulder.

"That's right, Erlan, I didn't expect your embroidery skills to be outstanding in just a few months!" Zaohua also said sincerely.

Liya was more straightforward: "Erlan, the things you embroider are good now, you have to embroider a purse for me again, so I can show it off!"

When Sophora japonica and Zaohua heard this, they immediately asked Ai Lan for needles and threads.

Yan Xiaoshi was unhappy when she heard it, and hurriedly interrupted: "No, I can only give you the things my sister embroiders, don't even think about..." Before she could finish speaking, Sophora pushed her face out of the circle they formed.

Yan Xiaoshi was not convinced, and went into the circle again, but Huaihua stubbornly resisted, so she could only complain to Ai Lan angrily: "Sister, they bullied me!"

Ailan ignored her at all, and said, "I got money today, and I'll go to the kitchen to buy some vegetables later, and I'll invite Nanny Song and Aunt Dumb, and we'll have dinner together tonight!"

Huaihua was the first to agree, and Zaohua and Liya also responded one after another. When Yan Xiaoshi heard that there was something to eat, she clamored to join, but she was still ignored.

Seeing Huaihua and the others talking happily, Shiliu felt very envious in her heart, but she also understood that not only did she almost hurt Erlan, but she also couldn't escape the twenty big boards afterwards, and she regretted it when she thought about it I want to die.

Shiliu left without making a sound, and happened to pass by a first-class maidservant on the road, Shiliu turned her head and apologized hastily, but the maidservant nodded and hurried away without saying anything.

Shiliu felt that the maidservant looked familiar, but for a while she couldn't remember who it was, and then turned around, seeing Sophora Hua and the others still talking and laughing, Shiliu's eyes darkened, she didn't stop, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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