Chapter 176

After you hour, the master and servants in the mansion all had dinner, because Ai Lan said he wanted to treat guests, so Nanny Song, Ya Gu, Li Ya, Huaihua and Zaohua waited on purpose with empty stomachs .

If Ailan wanted to borrow the pots and stoves in the second kitchen to cook, she first had to apply to Nanny Song, who in turn had to apply to Nanny Liu, the chief manager of the kitchen.Nanny Song thought that Nanny Liu would disagree, or at least hesitate, but she didn't expect that Nanny Liu would readily agree when she heard that Ailan wanted to borrow it.

The ingredients were bought by Ai Lan with money, the main course was prepared by Nanny Song, and Ai Lan and Li Ya were in charge of cold and refreshing side dishes.Sophora japonica and Zaohua were still thinking about the unique fried soybeans that Ai Lan made back then, so this time they begged Ai Lan to make some more to satisfy their cravings.Ailan did not make fried soybeans, but made some peanuts with spicy pepper salt oil skin and sweet frosted peanuts.

Nanny Song was very happy today, and deliberately took out a jar of good wine that she treasured.

The food was served in the dining hall of the kitchen, and Yan Xiaoshi also sat at the table with Ai Lan, looking at the table full of dishes, she was completely indifferent to dishes such as braised elbow, braised lion head, sweet and sour pork ribs, and steamed fish Interesting, what she wants to eat are the two plates of peanuts made by Ai Lan herself. She has already secretly eaten a few of them before, and they are delicious. Now she can't wait to eat more.But the nurse behind her, Nanny Tian, ​​urged her to go back quickly, so as not to worry about the second wife.

Yan Xiaoshi didn't want to go back, but after all, she was the Sixth Miss and the master of the mansion. Ai Lan and Huaihua didn't have to care about it, but Nanny Song and Mute Aunt always had concerns.

Without further ado, Ai Lan pulled out half of the two plates of peanuts and wrapped them in oil paper and handed them to Yan Xiaoshi: "Go back, eat slowly."

After Yan Xiaoshi got enough to eat, she reluctantly followed Nanny Tian back, and as soon as she left, Nanny Song and the others completely relaxed, chatting while eating, and after Ailan returned to the Sanskrit House to wash, she was gone. It was approaching Haishi, Ai Lan drank a few more glasses of wine with Nanny Song and Aunt Dumb today, her mind was a little groggy, and she fell asleep after lying on the bed for a long time.

Hou Ye Yan Cangxiong went to bed in Danxin Garden tonight, and Aunt Wu deliberately asked Danlian and Danfu who had been on vigil to retreat, and tried her best to please Yan Cangxiong.

Not only did Aunt Wu's postpartum figure not lose its shape at all, but her skin became fairer and more tender, and her bust and buttocks were enhanced. In addition, her superb methods made Yan Cangxiong feel comfortable all over her body.

Aunt Wu felt that the time had come, so she snuggled up to Yan Cangxiong obediently and began to whisper to him.

"Master Hou, you are not old enough to come to Danxin Garden these days, and this servant thought you had forgotten about him!" Aunt Wu said softly. Although she is 30 years old this year, she still pretends to be such a little girl. But there is no sense of disobedience.

Yan Cangxiong was startled, and then he patted Aunt Wu on the back to comfort him and said, "How could it be? No one will forget Miaohan if I forget you. Who told you..." As he spoke, Yan Cangxiong leaned closer to Aunt Wu. He smirked and said something nasty.

"I hate it, Master Hou is really bad, he likes to make fun of others, and he won't listen to him..." Aunt Wu blushed, and beat Yan Cangxiong's chest weakly and bonelessly with her fist, which was no different from tickling. Yan Cangxiong enjoyed Wu very much Auntie's acting like a baby made her eyes narrow with joy.

Seeing that Yan Cangxiong was fascinated by her, Aunt Wu's eyes flickered, she bit her lower lip lightly with her teeth, her eyes turned red in an instant, and the tears fell as soon as she said it: "It's good that Master Hou hasn't forgotten about your servant, and your servant I am very happy..."

"What's the matter? You were fine just now, why did you start crying again?" Yan Cangxiong pitifully raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Aunt Wu's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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