Chapter 177

"Master Hou, this servant is afraid that if Master Hou never comes to Danxin Garden again one day, then this servant will really not be able to survive..." Aunt Wu said sadly, trying to put on a look that wanted to cry but was not afraid of Yan Cangxiong's disgust. The lovely appearance.

"Didn't I come here? Don't be sad, tell me, is someone making you angry again?" The first thing Yan Cangxiong thought of was Mrs. Chen. After all, Mrs. Chen and Aunt Wu hadn't been on good terms for a day or two.

Aunt Wu cuddled up to Yan Cangxiong again, teasing Yan Cangxiong with her proud bust as if nothing, Yan Cangxiong was a little distracted for a while.Aunt Wu took the opportunity to recount what happened during the day today and Erlan's previous humiliation and confrontation with Yan Xiaowan and her, and finally said: "...Houye, this servant knows that his status is low, but no matter how low , the servant girl also gave birth to a son and a daughter for Lord Hou, even if she had no credit, she had to work hard, but she didn't want Erlan's girl to ignore her servant at all. If that girl just looked down on her servant, that's all. Forbearance, but the young lady is the young lady of the Hou family, how could she insult and insult her repeatedly? And ask Master Hou to be the master for the servants and the young lady!"

After Yan Xiaowan came back from the gazebo by the lake during the day, she lost her temper again in Wanqingju, and Jingwen Jingshui was punished to kneel again. Because of Erlan's little maid, she has become violent. If outsiders know about it, it will definitely affect her marriage.Since Erlan could no longer be used by him, she decided to get rid of Erlan with the help of Lord Hou.

When Yan Cangxiong heard Erlan's name again, he felt disgusted and wondered: "It's just a little maid, if you don't like it, you can kill it or sell it, what's so embarrassing? Could it be that Mrs. Chen stopped you again?" Don't let you touch that girl?"

Aunt Wu shook her head, she could feel that Chen didn't like Erlan, and she had no intention of defending her.

"Madam didn't stop her, but now that girl is no worse than ordinary servants. She is now the eldest maid of the second lady, and she once saved the lives of the old lady and the sixth lady. With the protection of the old lady and the sixth lady, who dares to touch her?" Her?" Aunt Wu said sullenly.

"So you lack a reason to get rid of that girl?"

Aunt Wu nodded.

"That's not easy. As long as the girl hurts the master, it will definitely be a death penalty, and then even the god Da Luo will not be able to save her!" Yan Cangxiong said indifferently.

After hearing this, Aunt Wu was overjoyed, so she pestered Yan Cangxiong to find out a solution.

Aunt Wu is only thinking about how to get rid of Erlan at this time, but she doesn't know that in the near future she will be begging Ailan to save her son pitifully on her knees.

In Sanskrit, although Ailan fell asleep after drinking some wine, her sleep was still very light, and she woke up almost as soon as someone appeared in the room.

The person who came was the mysterious and cold master of Shenji Palace.

There is no moon tonight, and the house is dark.

The man was still wearing a moon white brocade robe, with loose hair and a mask on his face. If he hadn't seen him before and knew that he was a god, even Ai Lan might have regarded this man as a ghost.

"The palace lord broke into my room again at night, what can I do?" Ai Lan asked in a low voice.

The man also beat around the bush and asked directly: "Do you like the cold steward in the house?"

Ai Lan was taken aback, she didn't need to read her mind, the man said whatever he thought.

Seeing that Ai Lan hesitated, the man was a little displeased: "Could it be that you like it?"

Ai Lan felt that the master of Shenji Palace had something wrong with her mind, and it was really inexplicable for her to break into her room in the middle of the night just to ask her about her personal relationship.

"Could it be that you like me?" Ai Lan didn't answer the man's question, but asked him back with a half-smile.

Ai Lan heard a disdainful sneer from the man, and then heard the man's cold voice: "Ugly!"

Ailan almost jumped up and scolded, Nima, why did you send someone to monitor her since you thought she was ugly?It's nothing more than monitoring, why do you want to break into her room at night and say something inexplicable?

Seeing that Ai Lan ignored him, the man became more and more displeased. With a wave of his sleeve, the pet dog Xiaobai who was lying on the futon in front of the bed suddenly flew into the air and might fall down at any time.

"Put down Xiaobai!" Ai Lan sat cross-legged on the bed at this moment, staring at the man opposite him.

"Answer my question!" said the man.

Ai Lan originally wanted to say, "It doesn't matter if you like it or not, it has nothing to do with you", but once she read his heartfelt voice, she didn't dare to take any risks, lest this pervert would accidentally drop Xiaobai to death.

"I don't like it." Ailan said lightly.

"You're sensible, since you like Ren Bai, you have to stick to it until the end. Being flirtatious will only kill you, understand?" I have to say that the man's voice is very pleasant, but at the same time it is cold and cold .

"Did you admit the wrong person? When did I say that I like Ren Bai?" Ai Lan laughed back angrily.

"If you didn't like him, and missed him day and night, but couldn't see him, why did you name your dog Xiaobai?" the man said naturally.

Ailan: ...

The man continued: "Don't worry, Ren Bai likes you too, I've never seen him care so much about a woman before?" His tone turned slightly, but it was full of contempt, "I really don't know what he thinks, He actually cares about you? Forget it, I watched him grow up, since he has his eyes on you, then you must be loyal to him, otherwise I will make your life worse than death!"

After the man finished speaking, he put down Xiaobai, shook his sleeves and turned around. I don't know how he did it, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ai Lan got out of bed to check Xiaobai's condition, and found that it was sleeping peacefully and was not injured, so she was relieved, but she cursed in her heart: crazy!

Ai Lan went back to bed and lay down again, but accidentally found a note next to the pillow. She lit the candle and saw a line of small characters written on the note.

Ai Lan froze, she knew that this note must have been left by the master of Shenji Palace just now.Ai Lan didn't know why the master of Shenji Palace would follow her?If the reason he said is true, it would be too absurd!

Forget it, experts are generally lunatics, presumably this palace master is no exception.

Ailan closed her eyes, and she had already calculated the contents of the note in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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