Chapter 178

At Yinshi, Putao woke up, and soon heard several doors opening one after another, she knew it was Tian Xing and they started to get up for morning exercises.

After hearing the footsteps in the courtyard going away, Putao also got dressed.Shuili opened her eyes, yawned, looked at Putao who was sitting in front of the dresser combing her hair in a daze, and asked, "Why did you get up so early?"

"It's hot, I can't sleep, so I just got up, sleep a little longer, and I'll go wash up!" Putao carried the tub, took a towel and went out.

At this time, the sky was not bright yet, the surroundings were quiet and quiet, and the air was very fresh.

Putao took a deep breath, then went to the backyard to scoop up water to wash.

Madam Tao and Madam Shen, the rough envoys, have already woken up, and smoke is rising from the small kitchen. It is not for cooking, but for boiling water, which is reserved for Yan Xiaofan and the others to take a bath after their morning exercises.

After the grapes washed up, seeing Tao Nanny washed a few lotus leaves and cut them into small pieces and put them in the basket to dry, she said, "Does Tao Nanny want to make lotus leaf tea?"

"Yeah, when the second lady comes back, everyone will have a big bowl."

Mother Tao raised her eyes and saw Putao coming into the small kitchen, she immediately felt that the space in the small kitchen was much smaller. During this period of time, the girls in the yard had lost a lot of weight, only Putao and Shuili were still in the same shape, walking a few steps Lu was panting and sweating profusely, and she felt tired and flustered for them.But Putao and Shuili are second-class maidservants, and it is hard for her to say anything as a poor woman, so she can only gossip with Shen Momo behind her back.

Putao also noticed the way Nanny Tao looked at her, and felt a little displeased. She didn't know what she was doing when she came in, and was about to turn around and leave, when she suddenly heard Nanny Tao say, "Miss Putao, I'm not an old lady, I'm talking too much. Why don't Miss Heshuili go to the morning exercise with Miss Erlan and the others? If you follow the morning exercise together, you might be as thin as them by now!"

Putao's body froze, and Nanny Tao's words pierced her heart like a thorn. Why didn't she want to do morning exercises with them?But the point is that she and Shuili missed the opportunity and offended Erlan with harsh words. There were many times before that she and Shuili had secretly expressed their affection to Erlan, but he ignored them at all. What can she do?
Tao Nanny is still nagging, Putao feels bored, the fact is one thing, but it still annoys her to be said bluntly: "Tao Nanny, you should hurry up and get your lotus leaf tea, if you miss it Erlan and the others drink, you can't afford it!" After speaking, he left angrily.

Nanny Tao curled her lips, and at this moment, Nanny Shen came in with a bunch of chopped firewood, and Nanny Tao then explained Putao's performance to Nanny Shen with embellishments, and the two old ladies started to talk about Putao and Shuili. Talking gossip, no matter how mean you come.

At Maoshi, the sky was bright, and Ai Lan led Yan Xiaofan and the others back, all of them were sweating profusely, as if they had been fished out of the water.

When everyone finished bathing and came out refreshed, Tianxing and Xiangguo shouted that they had lost weight again, and they were actually worried that they would become too thin in the future.

These words are of course a joke, but it is not the case in the ears of Putao and Shuili. They think that Tianxing and Xiangguo have sinister intentions and are deliberately showing off to stimulate them.

Yan Xiaofan still took Ai Lan and Tian Xing to greet the old lady after breakfast, and stayed in the room to read after returning. Embroidery work, because there is an ice basin in the main room, although it is not as cool as the modern air conditioner, it is also much cooler than the rooms of the servants.

Because of the hot weather, everyone used less for lunch. Yan Xiaofan asked Tian Xing to lift up the watermelon frozen in the well water and cut it up for the servants to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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