Chapter 179

Compared with eating watermelon, Ailan wanted to eat ice more, so she picked up a clean piece of ice from the ice basin and used a radish shaving tool to crush the ice into a bowl, mixed with icing sugar, and then mashed the red soil watermelon into juice On top, it becomes a bowl of watermelon-flavored shaved ice.

Yan Xiaofan liked it very much, and she was not stingy, so she let Tianxing and Xiangguo learn how to make it, and the servants of the Sanskrit House got a bowl for each.

Nanny Tao and Nanny Shen are very grateful to Yan Xiaofan.Nanny Zhong also thanked Yan Xiaofan. Although she was not very enthusiastic, she never dared to be disrespectful to Yan Xiaofan.

Grape and Shuili know that Ailan made the shaved ice, and they are a little jealous that Ailan can always come up with amazing and good ideas. The shaved ice that they thought was delicious, but it tastes a bit unpleasant after eating.

The licorice had the biggest reaction. She sat with a small bowl of ice under the shade of a tree outside the courtyard and looked at it. She was reluctant to eat it at first, but when the ice was about to melt, she picked up a porcelain spoon and sipped it in small bites. Every bite was happy. Close your eyes, feel that there is nothing better than this shaved ice in this world.

Licorice was eating ice, when suddenly a maid dressed in a first-class maid's attire hurried over.Licorice entered the mansion not long ago, and has been working in Sanskrit as soon as he came in, and he never visits other places on weekdays, so he doesn't know the people who come here.

At this time, the sun was scorching fiercely in the sky, the masters were all hiding in the house looking at the ice basin, while the servants stayed in the shade of the trees fanning cattail leaves to enjoy the cool, very few people came out for a walk.

Seeing that the maid was walking towards Sanskrit House, Licorice finished the shaved ice in the bowl in two or three mouthfuls, stepped forward and asked, "Sister, who are you looking for?"

Zhifang looked at the dark-skinned, round-figured little girl in front of her, and said with a smile: "My sister, I am Zhifang from Luoxueyuan, and I am here to find Miss Erlan, can you please call her for me?" come out?"

When Licorice heard that she was looking for Ai Lan, she hurried back to the yard to call Ai Lan, turned back half way, and brought back the bowl under the shade of the tree. Seeing Zhifang looking at her in surprise, she was a little embarrassed: " This is Erlan's newly made shaved ice, our second lady thought it was delicious and relieved the heat, so she rewarded each of our servants with a bowl, it was delicious!" Licorice didn't care whether people wanted to listen, and said to herself, Barabara with.

Zhifang doesn't know what shaved ice is, but thinks that Licorice is an ignorant little girl who would be overjoyed if her master rewarded her with a bowl of food. Laugh with you.

Licorice talked for a while and noticed that Zhifang was smiling forcedly, she was even more embarrassed, and hurried back to the yard with the bowl.

Ai Lan came out after a while, and Zhifang smiled and said, "Miss Erlan!"

In view of the fact that Danshuang harmed the fourth young master before, Ailan paid special attention to Aunt Luo, so she still remembered that Zhifang in front of her was the big maid serving Aunt Luo.

"Why is sister Zhifang looking for me?" Although she already understood Zhifang's reason for coming, Ai Lan still asked.

Zhifang glanced at the licorice following Ai Lan, seeing that the licorice had no eyesight at all, and she didn't know how to avoid it, so she said, "It's better for us to go to the bamboo forest to talk, it's cooler there!"

Ai Lan nodded, and followed Zhifang to an open space in the bamboo forest.

Zhifang glanced around, and said directly, "Miss Erlan, do you know that Missy and Auntie Wu have already targeted you?"

Ailan nodded with a calm face.

Seeing this, Zhifang was a little embarrassed. Anyone who wasn't a fool on Qiqiao Festival could see that the eldest lady and Aunt Wu were targeting Ai Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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