Chapter 181

The carriage was moving slowly, and the journey was smooth and smooth. Yan Xiaoshi lifted the curtains to look out from time to time, and then talked with Ai Lan and Yan Xiaofan, but left Yan Xiaowan aside.

Yan Xiaowan didn't care, even if she wanted to drink tea, she poured it from the teapot by herself, and she didn't take the opportunity to order Ai Lan.

At first, it was relatively quiet outside the carriage, and the creaking sound of the wheels was clear to the ear. The closer to Huiling Temple, the more lively the road became. Many people came earlier. Ai Lan followed Yan Xiaoshi's opened curtains to the outside Taking a glance, there was already a long motorcade lined up in front of the Hou's men and horses.Looking farther away, you can see Huiling Temple hidden among the emerald clouds and green covers on the mountainside, with gray walls and black tiles, and overlapping eaves. It does not have the bright yellow and eye-catching color of the royal temple in the impression, but it is solemn and solemn. The sound of wooden fish coming from the temple can be faintly heard.

"Sixth sister, I advise you to quickly put down the curtains. We are the young ladies of the Hou Mansion. Such unruly behavior is the most unacceptable, so as not to be criticized and laughed at!"

Yan Xiaowan said while drinking tea, it was obviously a remonstrance, but after she said it, there was a bit of irony and meanness.

Yan Xiaoshi lowered the curtains embarrassingly, pouted: "Understood!"

Yan Xiaowan smiled contemptuously and continued to drink tea. Yan Xiaofan and Yan Xiaoshi may not have noticed it, but Ai Lan knew it clearly. Behind Yan Xiaowan's calmness, her heart was excited, and her beautiful eyes hidden by lowered eyelashes were shining brightly. amazing.

The carriage was originally slow, but now it was even slower, and stopped directly at the end. Tian Xing leaned close to the window of the car and replied, saying that the convoy ahead was blocking it.

Yan Xiaoshi was bored in the car, so she kept eating melon seeds for snacks. When Yan Xiaowan saw her, she didn't say anything, but she felt very disgusted in her heart.

Yan Xiaofan sat in the carriage, sipping tea occasionally, this was her second trip out of the palace, and she was still a little nervous.

At this time, there was a burst of crying of a baby outside. It was the fourth young master who was crying and had no intention of stopping.

When the old lady heard this, she couldn't help but frowned. The fourth young master was only six months old. According to her idea, she didn't intend to let the fourth young master come with her, but Hou Ye insisted, saying that the fourth young master was weak, so he took this opportunity to let him Feel the aura of Huiling Temple to keep you safe, so I asked Aunt Wu to follow.

"Nurse Yuan, go and see what's going on with Fourth Young Master?" It was time to cry for a cup of tea, and the child's voice was hoarse from crying, and the noise made her brain ache.

Yuan Nanny came back soon, saying that she didn't know the reason and couldn't be coaxed no matter how hard she tried.

Mrs. Chen was very happy when she heard this. Auntie Wu was holding the baby and showing off in front of her before she came. How old are you, still pretending to be tender, disgusting!

The second wife, Mrs. Hu, has always been stupid in front of the old lady, and she also knows that the old lady has a prejudice against her, so she is sitting upright now, trying not to make a sound, so as not to make the old lady angry by saying wrong things.

Seeing that the two daughters-in-law were silent, the old lady felt a little displeased, so she said, "Tell Aunt Wu in the past, if it doesn't work, let her take the Fourth Young Master back to the mansion, and find an imperial doctor to see if it hurts. It's itchy!"

When Nanny Yuan came back again, her eyes were filled with embarrassment: "Madam, Aunt Wu said that the fourth young master used to cry a lot. At that time, as long as Erlan hugged the fourth young master, he would calm down. Aunt Wu asked the old lady to let Erlan come to them. Get on the carriage to appease the fourth young master!"

Nanny Yuan really didn't know what Aunt Wu was thinking, since she knew that Erlan had helped the Fourth Young Master back then, why did she deliberately target Erlan at the Qiqiao Festival? It turns out that Aunt Wu at that time wanted to put Erlan to death.

(End of this chapter)

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