Chapter 182

The old lady also thought the same as Nanny Yuan, but in order to stop the fourth young master from crying, she waved her hand and said, "You let Erlan go over and see what's going on!"

Yuan Nanny went to Ai Lan and explained the situation. Both Yan Xiaofan and Yan Xiaoshi were surprised, but Yan Xiaowan's eyes flashed a stream of light, which was fleeting, and the next moment she frowned, her eyes were full of worry: " Nanny Yuan, what happened to the fourth brother?"

Nanny Yuan said: "This, the servants don't know too much." Then she looked at Ai Lan.

"Slaves, go and have a look!"

Ai Lan got out of the carriage, and Nanny Yuan pointed to the position of the carriage that Aunt Wu was riding in, and Ai Lan walked over by herself.

Seeing Ai Lan coming, Aunt Wu hurriedly handed the fourth young master over: "Erlan, hurry up and hug the fourth young master, the fourth young master has been crying all the time, I can't help it!"

Ai Lan picked up the child and found that the child was already six months old, but the weight was very light. Except that the skin was a little whiter than before, and there was not much flesh on the body. It was only about the size of a normal child who was three months old.

Strange to say, the child struggled and cried a lot in Aunt Wu's arms, and as soon as he was hugged by Ai Lan, he stopped crying immediately and looked at Ai Lan with bright black eyes, his little nose twitched and his face There are two tear stains on it.

As soon as Ai Lan touched the diaper under the child's buttocks, she frowned: "The fourth young master urinated, did you bring a clean diaper?"

When the wet nurse heard this, she hurriedly said: "Bring it, bring it, and I will change it for the fourth young master!"

While the nanny was changing the fourth young master's diaper, Aunt Wu smiled and said to Ai Lan: "Erlan, it's thanks to you this time, otherwise I don't know what to do. The fourth young master has been crying and his voice is hoarse." ..." As she spoke, the circles of her eyes turned red, and she hastily wiped the corners of her eyes with a silk handkerchief.

"The servant didn't do anything." Ai Lan sat on the side of the carriage near the right window, the index finger of her right hand was still held by the fourth young master's little hand, and she grinned at Ai Lan with a small mouth.

While quickly changing the fourth young master's diaper, the nurse said: "Auntie, the fourth young master thinks he likes Miss Erlan. In the past, when the servants changed the fourth young master's diaper, the fourth young master would kick his legs and cry for a while, but today he is very Be good!"

Aunt Wu also smiled and said yes, but she was very annoyed in her heart. Her son kissed a lowly girl instead of her. Originally, she loved her son very much, but in the past few months, his son has either had a fever or diarrhea, and he also made noises at night It was so bad that it used up all her loving mother's tenderness. If it wasn't for her son to guarantee her and her daughter's status in the Hou Mansion, she didn't even want to look at her son more!
Aunt Wu was stroking her slender hands coated with Kodan, and seeing her son enjoying himself for a long time just by holding Ai Lan's finger, she felt very uncomfortable and couldn't figure it out.

However, there was one thing she understood very well, both herself and her daughter hated this girl very much, this time she must make this girl suffer, even if she couldn't be killed, she would have to be sold out!
Ai Lan didn't deliberately tease the fourth young master, but the fourth young master just liked her, giggling from time to time, even when the nanny was breastfeeding, he would hold Ai Lan's fingers.

In another carriage, the old lady stretched her brows and said involuntarily: "Erlan is a capable girl!"

Mrs. Chen hated Ai Lan very much for a long time, so naturally she couldn't answer, but Mrs. Hu, who had been silent all the time, smiled and said: "What mother said is that I also like Erlan very much, and that girl Shi'er always likes her." Sticking to Erlan's side, even when I get home, nine out of ten sentences will be about Erlan!"

The old lady nodded: "It's good!"

Mrs. Chen sneered in her heart, the old lady hadn't seen how ruthless that girl was when threatening others, she was simply Yan Luo Shagui!
(End of this chapter)

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