Chapter 190

At this time, Yan Xiaowan realized how much Aunt Wu cared for her. Before, she was jealous of her aunt who only had her fourth brother in her heart. Now it seems that Aunt Wu also cared about her.

Yan Xiaowan ate half a bowl of bird's nest porridge, and after a few mouthfuls of side dishes, the food was withdrawn.Jing Shui brought a cup of scented tea for her to rinse her mouth, and then handed her a silk handkerchief.

Yan Xiaowan wiped the corners of her lips lightly with a silk handkerchief, her posture was elegant and beautiful, and her gestures and gestures had the demeanor and demeanor of everyone, Aunt Wu was very pleased to see it.

"Auntie, in fact, the reason why this rumor spread was all caused by that cunning maidservant Erlan. If she hadn't talked nonsense that day and fell into the lotus pond with me, it wouldn't have happened at all..." Yan Xiaowan said Thinking of the unbearable rumors that ruined her reputation again, tears welled up in her eyes again.

Hearing this, Aunt Wu was so angry that she slapped the table fiercely: "This damned slut is really cunning. The situation that I and the wet nurse had clearly set up that day was inexplicably resolved by her. In the end, I was also defeated by Lord Hou and her husband." The old lady gave me a lesson!"

"Auntie, what do you think we should do? Me, what can I do in the future?" Yan Xiaowan said anxiously.

Aunt Wu also had a sad expression on her face. She knew that Yan Cangxiong was a face-saving person. Now that the eldest lady's reputation has been damaged, Yan Cangxiong would definitely be furious. Maybe she would ask Mrs. Chen to find a marriage for the eldest lady immediately. People have never dealt with her, and they will definitely find someone who is not popular to disgust her. For the current plan, she can only stabilize Yan Cangxiong first.

Aunt Wu told Yan Xiaowan about the possibility she guessed, and Yan Xiaowan was startled when she heard it, and shook Aunt Wu's arm in fear and said: "Auntie, you are my own mother, you can't see me in the tiger's mouth, If that's the case, my hard work over the years will be in vain. I want to marry into the Ren family, I want to marry Ren Yun, and I don't want other dirty things! Auntie, you must help me, you must help me! "

Aunt Wu was made dizzy by Yan Xiaowan, but she also felt that if the daughter she had cultivated over the past ten years was given to a low-class family like this, she would lose a lot of money. As for her daughter, it would be difficult for her to marry into the Ren family!
Especially that Ren Yun, who is the second son of the eldest son of the Ren family and one of the five sons of the capital, although he has not set foot in the officialdom right now, he has a great reputation, and it is said that his vision is high, and it is difficult for a woman to enter In his eyes, he was eighteen and still single.

It's really hard for my daughter to want to marry him!

"Auntie, you must promise me, I can only count on you, Auntie—" Yan Xiaowan acted like a baby with red eyes.

"Miss, Auntie naturally thinks of you in everything, this is not easy, Aunt Rong should think about it carefully!" Aunt Wu frowned.

Yan Xiaowan nodded obediently, but she was resentful in her heart. Aunt Wu was her own mother, which made her inferior to Yan Xiaofan in terms of status. She couldn't just rely on Aunt Wu for her marriage, she had to find a way herself!

In the evening, when Sanskrit lives here, Yan Xiaofan has already turned off the lights and rested, and Tianxing and Xiangguo and other servants have also rested, but Ai Lan is still lying on a self-made hanging net in the bamboo forest to enjoy the coolness, and mugwort leaves are burning underneath to repel mosquitoes. .

Ai Lan fanned the plantain fan leisurely, looking at the stars in the night sky and listening to the rustling of bamboo leaves, she murmured inaudibly to herself: "You can't live without doing evil, and the good show is about to begin." !"

Aunt Wu has been thinking about things since she came out of Yan Xiaowan's Wanqing residence. Danfu is holding a lantern in front of her to light the way. Aunt Wu Ren Danlian supports her and walks towards Danxin Garden.

Seeing Aunt Wu's return, Danshuang and Danqing saluted her, and at the same time opened the bead curtain to let Aunt Wu enter the room.

It was almost Haishi at this time, Dan Shuang followed behind and whispered a few words to Dan Lian, and Dan Lian said to Aunt Wu after hearing this: "Auntie, you don't eat much for dinner, you must be hungry now, the kitchen is full. I have supper ready, do I want to bring it to you?"

Aunt Wu had a severe headache, she sat at the table with her forehead on her hands, Danfu carefully added a cup of tea for her to calm the mind, Aunt Wu sipped a few sips of the tea, she really felt a little empty in her stomach, she nodded and said: " Serve it up, it should be light!"

"Yes, I heard that the cook specially imitated the Vegetarian Food in Huiling Temple. It must be light and refreshing!"

Aunt Wu nodded, but she was still thinking about Yan Xiaowan's lifelong event in her mind, and she was thinking about how to speak to Yan Cangxiong.

The supper was quickly served, and they were all served in small celadon bowls with lids. When the lid was lifted, there was a small bowl of fragrant and soft glutinous Japonica porridge, and several side dishes were small cucumbers with sesame seeds and vinegared cabbage. Stir-fried vegetable ribs with green peppers, vegetarian three silks, almond tofu, scrambled eggs with loofah and fungus, and a small plate of steamed shrimp dumplings.

Aunt Wu took a sip of porridge, then picked up a steamed dumpling and took a bite, she was taken aback: "Aren't there shrimps here?"

At this time, Danshuang, who was in charge of serving the dishes, explained: "Aunt Hui, the shrimps here are made of tofu, which is a kind of vegetarian food in Huiling Temple."

"Really? The taste is quite special." Aunt Wu ate three of them before changing to other side dishes. While eating, she suddenly asked, "Is this shrimp dumpling made by the cook?"

Dan Shuang was stunned: "It should be..."

"Go and call the cook!" Aunt Wu said, putting down her chopsticks.

Soon, the cook was brought in, and she bowed to Aunt Wu in trepidation: "I don't know why Auntie is looking for slaves?"

"Did you make these shrimp dumplings?" Aunt Wu asked.

The cook suddenly panicked: "Yes..."

"Why haven't I seen you do it before?" Aunt Wu was suspicious.

"This is what the slaves have learned..."

"Who did you learn from?"

"Yes, it's Zhifang from Luo Xueyuan..."

Zhifang from Luo Xueyuan?Aunt Luo's personal maid?

Aunt Wu looked back with a shudder, and suddenly said angrily: "Remove these, and, in the future, you are not allowed to make shrimp dumplings, or you will get out of Danxin Garden!"

The cook was so frightened that she was trembling all over, kowtowed hurriedly and exited the main room.

When Aunt Wu thought of the shrimp dumpling, she suddenly felt her stomach turned upside down. The saying that the shrimps were made of tofu still sounded familiar to her. This was the method she used to deal with Aunt Luo's son. She didn't know that Aunt Luo was secretly Investigate her, but all the witnesses at that time are gone, Aunt Luo can only swallow her own bitterness, who made her give birth to such a delicate child, who is allergic to seafood, huh, you asked for it!
Aunt Wu's eyes became vicious, and suddenly she thought of her son again, and an alarm sounded in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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