Chapter 191

"Erlan, Miss Six's letter has arrived again!"

At noon, Licorice took a letter from a little girl and shouted towards the yard. The little girl who delivered the letter was a little embarrassed, because this was her seventh time to deliver the letter, although only three short days passed. day.

Ai Lan walked out from the main room, took the letter, and handed a hand-sized puppet in the shape of a little girl to the little girl who came to deliver the letter, and rewarded her with a purse of thirty cents.

The little girl took the puppet, but did not accept the purse, and said shyly: "Miss Erlan, Miss Six has already given the reward when the maidservant came, so I can't take your reward every time!" The frequency of running at least twice, if she returns the bounty from others, she will feel very sorry.

"Then I will trouble you. Say hello to the sixth lady and the second lady for me." Ai Lan took back her purse and sent the little girl away with a smile.

Ai Lan didn't read the letter either, and took it directly into the house and put it in a pastry box in the cabinet. In addition, there were already seven letters in this box, except for the first two that were opened to see, the rest of Ai Lan didn't move. Because the content of Yan Xiaoshi's poems is the same, it's nothing more than how boring and miserable she is now. She spends all day copying women's precepts and women's training, her hands are calloused, and she begs Ai Lan to come and see her and cook delicious food Feed her and so on.

Naturally, Ai Lan would not go to see her. If she did, the second lady would be displeased. After all, Yan Xiaoshi is being punished and grounded.However, Ai Lan took the time to make a puppet toy for Yan Xiaoshi, which is the one that the little girl who delivered the letter just took away. I hope Yan Xiaoshi can be honest for a while.

Ai Lan continued to go to the main room to do embroidery work, and soon Licorice came to report that it was Zhifang from Luoxueyuan who came to find her.

Yan Xiaofan was a little strange: "Erlan, this is the second time Zhifang has come to see you, right?" In view of the fact that she is not favored, her Sanskrit residence has always been a quiet place, except for the occasional old lady and madam's courtyard. Apart from the fact that the girl in the village came to inform her of something and that Yan Xiaowan would come to make her feel poor and get some benefits by the way, basically no one would come.

"Well, it seems that there is a question about embroidery that I need to ask the servant girl." Ai Lan replied, but did not tell the truth, and had nothing to do with Yan Xiaofan.

Ai Lan and Zhifang were still talking in the bamboo forest, and Zhifang did indeed bring an embroidery stretcher over. On the surface, she came to ask for advice on embroidery skills, but in fact she was reporting the situation.

"Aunt Wu seems to have become suspicious and ordered that the servants in the courtyard are not allowed to interact with our Luo Xueyuan. If they are found to have violated her orders, they will be sent out of the house immediately. This time we want to use Danxinyuan's servants It's not easy for people to understand the situation!" Zhifang said, frowning.

What Zhifang said was not easy, but she didn't say it was impossible. It seems that Aunt Luo still has some skills, and there are quite a few eyeliners in Danxinyuan. Once Danrou has gone, there are also latecomers.

"It's nothing, we already knew Aunt Wu was suspicious, just let Aunt Luo act according to the previous plan." Ai Lan said.

Zhifang is not so optimistic: "But I always feel that Auntie..."

"You should spend more time persuading Aunt Luo. You must know that only when Aunt Luo is well can you be well. Just tell Aunt Luo that the past is over, so what if you can't pass that hurdle? It will only make your loved ones hurt. Hurry up, don't just focus on the fourth young master, the child is a debt collector, how does she know that the child is not the reincarnation of her dead son, in short, the child is innocent, she is still young, the first thing to do is to take the Lord Grasp her heart, I believe she has the ability!"

Ai Lan's words shocked Zhifang, no wonder Aunt Wu couldn't help Erlan several times, even though Erlan was young, she was very mature, even compared with the old lady and other old people. What's the matter, thinking about it so far, the awe of Erlan in my heart is a little bit more.

(End of this chapter)

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