Chapter 198

Danlian and Danfu also waited by the door tremblingly.

"Mother Jiang, what do you think I should do? The doctor can't find out what's wrong, but if the child is allowed to cry, let alone fight with Aunt Luo, I will go crazy first! This child is really born to collect debts! "Aunt Wu propped her forehead and said angrily.

Mother Jiang is not easy to answer, but if she doesn't answer, she is afraid that Aunt Wu will blame her, so she hesitates after thinking about it again and again: "Auntie, even the doctor can't see what's wrong with the fourth young master, do you think it might be given by something unclean? Terrified..."


"Auntie forgive me, but this servant is just guessing!"

Although Aunt Wu was not happy to hear that her son was frightened by dirty things, she was a little skeptical in her heart. After thinking for a long time, she suddenly said, "In your opinion, what should I do?"

"Uh, for this, it is natural to find a Taoist or mage to practice or chant scriptures to get rid of those dirty things!"

"Do you have a choice?"

"Yes, there is Huang Daxian in the western suburbs of Beijing. It is said that this person is very clever. I also learned this from the women in other houses."

"Now you can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor. You go and find this person, and be careful not to disturb other people in the mansion, especially Lord Hou!"

"Slaves understand!"

At [-]:[-] the next day, in Luoxue Garden, Zhifang and Zhifei were secretly rejoicing while dressing Aunt Luo.

These days, Lord Hou spends most of his time in Luoxueyuan, and Aunt Luo's complexion is much better than before, and the atmosphere in Luoxueyuan is also active.

"Auntie, let's wear the gold thread inlaid ruby ​​double Luan that the Marquis gave you yesterday and order the Cui Bu Yao!" Zhifei said carefully picking up a gold Bu Yao from the jewelry box.

Aunt Luo glanced at it, smiled, and directly took out a long emerald jade hairpin from the jewelry box, and handed a few emerald beaded hairpin flowers to Zhifang: "You should wear this!"

Zhifei was still reluctant to part with Jin Buyao in her hand, she struggled and said, "Auntie, that one is too plain!"

Aunt Luo remained silent, but Zhifei wanted to persuade her again, but Zhifang grabbed her sleeves and signaled her not to make mistakes, Zhifei had no choice but to give up, and carefully put Jin Buyao into the jewelry box, but she didn't understand, now Master Hou dotes on Aunt Luo so much, why does Aunt Luo still wear such a plain dress? Shouldn't she be extremely glamorous, and it's better to overwhelm Aunt Wu?
After taking care of Aunt Luo, Zhifang pulled Zhifei into the tea room beside her, and scolded: "Are you a fool? We Aunt Luo got favored so hard, now we can only keep a low profile, and we can't let others After catching the mistakes and making arrangements, besides, as maidservants, we will do what the master says, and we don't need to make any claims at all!"

Zhifei also realized that she had gone too far, she lowered her head and muttered in a low voice: "I'm not doing it for our aunt, okay? In the past, Aunt Wu always showed off in front of our aunt, I just can't understand her virtue!"

Zhifang directly reached out her hand and tapped Zhifei's forehead: "You are still reasonable. If you continue to make up your own mind in the future, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Discipline her.

"Understood!" Zhifei stuck out her tongue and made a face.

At this time, a little girl stretched out her head at the door of the tea room, and when Zhifang walked out, the little girl whispered something in Zhifang's ear. After speaking, Zhifang stuffed the little girl with a purse, and the little girl happily Thank you and leave.

"What's wrong?" Zhifei asked, Zhifang didn't care to talk to her, so she went to report the news to Aunt Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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