Chapter 199

"Hehe, this Aunt Wu is also rushing to the doctor in a hurry, and no matter what the result is, let's wait and see what happens!" Aunt Luo held a cup of tea and tasted it gracefully.

At that time, Yan Xiaowan went to Danxin Garden to see Aunt Wu, and when she entered the yard, she was startled by puffs of green smoke coming out of the east wing room, and when she took a closer look, she saw a desk at the door of the east wing room. On the table are candlesticks, three kinds of melon and fruit offerings, and a three-legged small tripod. Inside the small tripod are burning three finger-thin incense sticks. An old man with a white beard is waving a mahogany sword and playing unknown tricks in the smog. road number.

Yan Xiaowan couldn't help frowning, wondering what Aunt Wu was up to.

The white-bearded old man was playing and suddenly stopped, took off the wine gourd on his waist, took a sip of wine, sprayed it on a yellow talisman in his hand, and then lit the talisman on the candle Then, finally sprinkle the talisman paper ashes into the bowl of clear water that had been prepared on the desk.

"Okay, feed this bowl of fairy water to the fourth young master, and the dirty things on the fourth young master's body will be wiped off at once!"

Aunt Wu was terrified when she saw it, and she didn't believe it, but she felt unwilling not to try it, so she nodded and asked Nanny Jiang to bring it to the wet nurse, and then the wet nurse would feed the fourth young master to drink.

"Auntie, what happened, why did you ask this old Taoist priest to do it?" Yan Xiaowan frowned and walked towards Auntie Wu, her brows were full of doubts.

Aunt Wu didn't hide it from her, so she told the whole story.

Yan Xiaowan felt dizzy when she heard the name Erlan, and she also gritted her teeth with hatred.

The mother and daughter talked about themselves in the room again, and reorganized their plans for the future.

Mother Jiang gave the old Taoist a purse, and then ordered someone to secretly send the old Taoist out of the mansion, and the wet nurse also half-coaxed and half-forced the fourth young master to drink some talisman paper water according to Aunt Wu's instructions.

Everything was fine at first, and the fourth young master seemed to have stopped crying, but at night, he developed a high fever, his face was flushed, and he fell into a coma.

Aunt Wu was terrified by this, and regardless of the time being too late, she sent someone to invite Imperial Physician Xu to see the child.

This battle alarmed Yan Cangxiong who was resting in Luoxueyuan. After Yide learned the news, he led Aunt Luo to Danxinyuan to check the situation.

Doctor Xu took the pulse of the Fourth Young Master and said: "The Fourth Young Master was overly frightened, may I ask what happened during the day?"

The nurse faltered and couldn't speak, but was finally frightened and forced by Yan Cangxiong to speak out everything.

Yan Cangxiong was very angry, he never expected that Aunt Wu, who has always been shrewd, would do such a thing, and actually asked the fourth young master to do something like an old Taoist priest, which frightened the fourth young master.

"I think Xueqing should take care of this child. You've been too tired lately, go back and rest earlier!" Yan Cangxiong immediately gave an order, and Aunt Luo winked for Zhifang and Zhifei to follow Yan Cangxiong's people Entered the courtyard of Danxin Garden.

Xueqing is Aunt Luo's boudoir name, and Yan Cangxiong called it out naturally. It can be seen that Yan Cangxiong has been fascinated by Aunt Luo so much that she doesn't know where to go. When Aunt Wu saw this, she was so angry that her internal organs hurt.

In the end, Zhifang carried the Fourth Young Master out of the yard, and Aunt Luo and Yan Cangxiong were about to leave when they suddenly heard Aunt Wu burst into tears.

"Master Hou! Master Hou! You can't treat this servant like this. The fourth young master is the biological son of this servant, and this servant can't bear him! Please, please let the fourth young master go, Lord Hou!"

Yan Cangxiong didn't want to see a woman cry, and just wanted to let go, but Aunt Luo said: "Sister, don't worry, sister will try her best to take good care of Fourth Young Master!"

Seeing what Aunt Luo said, Yan Cangxiong also stopped his voice, and was about to take Aunt Luo away, but he didn't want Aunt Wu to jump up and kneel on the ground and hug Yan Cangxiong's thigh: "Master Hou, because of the past love, You must not do this, Lord Hou..."

Aunt Wu burst into tears, but she didn't know that Yan Cangxiong's appetite was lost by the image of her grabbing tears and snot at the moment. He threw off his sleeves and left Danxin Garden with Aunt Luo in his arms.

Aunt Wu slumped on the ground in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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