Chapter 200

Knowing that Aunt Wu not only lost her child this time, but also lost Lord Hou's love for her, Mrs. Chen was really happy. Even the bowl of bitter medicine in front of her felt much better. I don't know if the folk remedies I found for her to recuperate her body will work, but they are as miserable as Huang Lian's bile.

Grandma Chen watched Chen frowned and drank the whole bowl of medicine in one go, her mouth couldn't help but taste bitter, and hurriedly presented the four-color candied fruit in an extremely delicate glass jar.

Chen Shi swallowed a piece of candied fruit, and the bitter taste in his mouth was slightly relieved.

"Ma'am, although it was Aunt Wu who suffered this time, but Aunt Luo's cheap skin showed her head again. Do you think we should bring the Fourth Young Master here to raise him? After all, you are the mistress of the Hou Mansion, and the child is also in your memory." It’s only natural that you want to come and raise her under the name of Mrs. Chen!” Mother Chen observed Chen’s expression carefully, and said, “And this Auntie Wu is a shrewd person. Dote on her alone, maybe in a few days she will be able to win Master Hou's heart again, we have to make a move before that, with the Fourth Young Master holding it in the palm of my hand, forgive her for not being arrogant in the future!"

Mrs. Chen was a little shaken when she heard this, but after thinking about it again, she dismissed the idea: "Forget it, let Aunt Luo take care of it, and let them bite the dog. Besides, this is the order of the Marquis. You didn't See, even the old lady didn't say anything?"

"Ma'am is right." Chen Nanny thought it was the reason, and Madam thought more clearly.

"By the way, how is the eldest young master? It seems that since the rumors spread, he seldom comes to Tianxiang Garden, and he is not as close as before when he sees me..." After all, it is not his own!Chen added in her heart.

"Madam, please rest assured. The young master is getting older, so it is natural to be sensible. The slaves think that the young master is much calmer than before. I heard from that girl Weizhen that the young master is studying more seriously now, and he rarely goes out to look for his old friends. Those friends of my family are playing, and I often go into Lord Marquis’s study to ask questions that I don’t understand! Madam, the young master is your biological son, so he is naturally toward you!” Nanny Chen emphasized the word "birth" to mean that Remind Mrs. Chen not to be confused, the rumors have disappeared, and it is an indisputable fact that they are mother and child.

"I hope so!" Mrs. Chen touched her lower abdomen, still feeling a little uncomfortable.

Aunt Luo took the fourth young master to Luo Xueyuan to give birth to a child, and asked Nanny Zhou to use money to find a nurse with sufficient milk from outside the mansion. Of course, these were all over Chen's eyes.The fourth young master's heat subsided after a day, although he was still a little noisy, but he was much more stable than when he stayed in Danxin Garden, especially he liked Aunt Luo holding him.

When Yan Cangxiong saw him, he felt more and more that he had made a wise decision. Every time he saw Aunt Luo's contented and joyful smile when she was holding the child, his heart was also rippling, and he fell in love with Aunt Luo more and more.

For this reason, everyone in Luo Xueyuan was full of joy, looking forward to Concubine Luo's belly becoming stronger and conceiving a young master soon, so that Concubine Luo's position in the mansion would be stable.

Xu Shi has experienced the pain of bereavement and the coldness of the Marquis. Aunt Luo is no longer the innocent boy she was back then. She has already thought about it. The goal of controlling her has been achieved. As for everything else.

Yan Cangxiong is passionate, when he loves someone, he is really kind to that person, but he has a fatal flaw that he likes the new and dislikes the old, within half a month his enthusiasm for Aunt Luo fades away, although he still comes to Luo Xue from time to time Garden, but not so eager.

(End of this chapter)

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