Chapter 3
When Zaohua came back with a food box, she happened to see Huaihua rushing out of the door. The person who usually likes to ridicule her the most, passed her by with a face full of shock, as if she didn't exist, and didn't even look at her A glance, uh, this is a new way to bully her - ignore it?

Zaohua looked at the back of Sophora japonica fleeing in a hurry, full of doubts, and suddenly she thought of a possibility, could it be that something happened to Erlan?In Zaohua's mind, the scene of Erlan's small body lying cold and stiff on the bunk suddenly appeared, tears streaming down her eyes.

——Erlan, Erlan, why are you so pitiful, you didn't even have time to eat a bowl of porridge before you died!God is so unfair, even the death row inmates still have a hearty meal to eat!Woooo... Erlan, poor Erlan...

Zaohua was crying while thinking, pushing the door open in three steps and two steps. When she saw Ai Lan who was sitting on the bunk and counting the copper coins, she was stunned for a moment, and then the tears flowed even more It was fierce, but this time it was tears of relief.

——It’s okay, it’s okay!Erlan is still alive, this time she can eat a full meal before she dies!

Zaohua is still struggling with Erlan's inability to have enough to eat before she dies, so it's ridiculous to think about the focus of the problem.

"Pfft——" Ai Lan, who can understand all the inner activities of Zaohua, first laughed out loud, but when she met Zaohua's tear-filled eyes, which were so frank and silly, she quickly stopped laughing. She smiled sweetly at Zaohua, "Sister Zaohua, you are back!"

Zaohua is 12 years old and has been in the mansion for a year. Like Huaihua, she is the third-class sweeping maid in the courtyard.But usually Sophora Huai's work is given to the simple and honest Zaohua, while she herself is busy trying to curry favor with the nanny in charge.

Zaohua's skin is also thick and dark, but she looks good, especially her big eyes, double eyelids, long eyelashes, and her pupils are black and bright.Huaihua has always been jealous that Zaohua looks better than herself, so she thinks of ways to wear Zaohua's shoes on weekdays.

Zaohua heard Ai Lan calling her, her voice was so clear and sweet, she thought to herself, it turns out that Erlan can laugh and talk too, I think it was because she was too scared before she came here that she was so dumb and silent!

"Are you feeling better? Come here and have something to eat!" Zaohua smiled and put the food box on the wooden table, and brought out two bowls of clear porridge, a plate of scrambled eggs with shallots, and a plate of pickled shredded radish. There are also four white flour steamed buns plus two big chicken drumsticks glistening with oil.

Zaohua looked at the food, and her heart jumped with joy. Today is really a good day, and she unexpectedly ran into Miss Tian Xing, the eldest maid next to the second lady. Otherwise, her [-] Wen coins could only be exchanged for two bowls of porridge Add a plate of pickled vegetables, after all, most of the people in the kitchen are those who look at people with their nostrils turned upside down, and they don't pay attention to her hundred words at all.

Thinking of this, Zaohua's admiration for Tianxing became more and more intense, and even the second lady of the Hou Mansion who had never met before was worshiped as a Bodhisattva.

Zaohua was eager to tell Ai Lan about her going to the kitchen today, and express her gratitude to Tian Xing and Miss Er by the way, but she didn't want Ai Lan to know everything, and before she could speak, Ai Lan counted a hundred The copper plate was handed to her, successfully diverting her attention.

"Sister Zaohua, thank you for taking care of me when I passed out, but your family needs your monthly money to live, and I can't spend your money."

Zaohua was taken aback: "Do you know I spent money?" She clearly remembered that Erlan was still in a coma when she withdrew the money!
Ai Lan sighed: "Although I have only been in the mansion for a month, I still know where the kitchen is. If you don't spend money, after a while, those people who stay behind will not give you food!"

(End of this chapter)

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