Chapter 4
Zaohua nodded, with a wry smile on her face. She never thought of asking Erlan to pay her back the money, but Erlan said it to her heart. Her family lived outside the city, and her parents and elder brother rented three acres in Huangzhuangtou. After paying the rent and taxes, she couldn't even feed her own family of six, so she was sold to a dentist.The elder brother is sixteen this year and it is time to find a wife, and the younger brother and sister are also eight years old. She does not want her younger sister to end up being sold like her, so she will send all the monthly money to her parents every month.

Zaohua didn't refuse, and accepted the one hundred Wen from Ai Lan, hanging her head, feeling very uncomfortable.

Ailan didn't care, and pulled her to sit at the wooden table to have a late dinner together.

Zaohua refused to move her chopsticks, because she felt that Erlan bought it with money, and it would be too shameless for her to follow suit.

Ai Lan ate a bowl of porridge, two steamed buns, half a plate of scrambled eggs and half a plate of sour shredded radish, but the chicken legs did not move.

"Sister Zaohua, I can't eat too greasy chicken legs now, you can eat it for me, don't waste Sister Tianxing's kindness! I'm so full, I'll go out to digest food." Ai Lan said and went out After entering the door, only Zaohua was left staring at the food on the table in a daze.

Zaohua's stomach was already growling with hunger. Seeing that more than half of the dishes were left on the table, her eyes welled up. She knew that this was Erlan's affection for her. She just took care of Erlan for a day. That's all, it's really rare for this child to be so knowledgeable and righteous!

Zaohua finished the rest of the porridge with tears in her eyes, and made up her mind to treat Erlan even better in the future.At this time, Zaohua didn't notice that she didn't mention Tianxing at all, but Erlan knew about it.

In the end, Zaohua was still not willing to eat the two chicken legs, but wrapped them in oiled paper, thinking that if Erlan was hungry, she would take them out for her to eat.

At the beginning of the Xu Dynasty, Sophora japonica came out of the courtyard, and hurriedly walked towards a bamboo forest not far away.

There is no moon tonight, the sky is dark, and the cold wind blows through the bamboo forest, rustling.

Sophora japonica is walking along the bluestone path in the bamboo forest, but its eyes are looking around furtively, as if looking for something.

"Have you figured it out?" A crisp girl's voice came suddenly, causing Huaihua to fall to the ground in fright.

Ai Lan walked out from behind a huge bluestone by the side of the path, her small body had the aura of a ghostly child in the dark bamboo forest.

"You..." Huaihua recognized Erlan and was about to get angry when she suddenly thought of her terror and shuddered shiveringly, "I've made up my mind, but you have to abide by the agreement, where is the money?"

Ai Lan took out a purse from her sleeve and threw it to Huaihua, and sneered: "Don't be clever, if you want to cooperate with me, don't try to be a fool, otherwise..."

Huaihua squeezed her purse tightly, gritted her teeth and said, "Got it! I'm leaving first, and I have to wash and pinch Gui Nanny's feet later. You should be careful yourself, it doesn't matter if you die, don't drag me down!" After speaking, he turned and left.

But Ai Lan said behind her: "Sister Huaihua, go slowly!"

Hearing this, Huai Hua shuddered again, what a scary little girl, if she had been so strong earlier, she wouldn't have been punished by Nanny Gui for washing the toilet!

Just an hour ago, Huaihua was going to see if Erlan was dying, but she didn't want the child to be alive and kicking, and change her usual honest and dull personality, her eyes were as bright as a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity in the dark intimidating.

What's even more frightening is that the child seemed to be able to see through her thoughts, and his strength suddenly became surprisingly strong. She wanted to slap her, but the child grabbed her wrist, and the pain made her want to die. So much so that when the child proposed to cooperate with her, she agreed without even thinking about it.

Huaihua touched her right wrist subconsciously, the pinched place was already bruised, and there was still a slight tingling sensation.

That child is really not simple, knowing that she agreed to her at that time was purely out of expediency, so she used money to seduce her, that's all, she's almost had enough, no matter how much she flatters Nanny Gui, she will never be promoted in this life Second-class maid, instead of being angry with Nanny Gui, it's better to bet on that child.She has always had a good eye for seeing people, and she feels that the child is fine if he is not enlightened, but once he is enlightened, the future will be boundless!
Huaihua weighed the purse in her hand, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

As for Ai Lan, who was looking at the back of Sophora japonica Blossoms going away, the corner of his mouth also evoked a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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