Chapter 814 Live with him
Long Shifan seemed to be able to see her out of breath through the screen, and he couldn't help but smiled.

He replied: Follow orders, come right away, I just deserted.

Ever since Lu Yingshan moved into his villa a few days ago, he felt that she was in a bad mood, although she didn't show it.

As for the reason for his bad mood, of course Long Shifan also knew that it was because of Huo Shaojie.

But now, even through the screen, he seemed to feel that she was in a good mood.

In fact, during the time she lived in his villa, because he knew she was in a bad mood, he would try to make her happy, but it didn't seem to work.

But now, he feels that she is in a good mood, is it because she met Huo Shaojie?
Thinking of this, Long Shifan frowned slightly. Does she still have feelings for him?

This realization made Long Shifan's heart tremble violently. He took two deep breaths before he calmed down a bit.

Lu Yingshan's fingers danced nimbly on the screen. Although she didn't have a master's operation, it was definitely more than enough to kill monsters. After all, she had such good equipment that she could easily kill monsters in seconds.

I don't know if it was because of playing the game, but her mood seemed to have come out of the depression just now, and she became much more relaxed, even with a faint smile on her face.

When she was in Long Shifan's villa, every time she sat on the sofa watching TV melancholy, Long Shifan would always think of a trick.

Just like the day before yesterday, she was bored watching a TV series, when suddenly the sound of a bird rang in her ears, and when she saw it, it was him walking over with a bird cage, inside was a green parrot.

She knew that he was trying to make her happy.

He also said that the parrot could talk and could chat with people, but after teasing it for a long time, it didn't speak, which made him very embarrassed. Then he got angry and asked Xiaobai to return it to the store.

Long Shifan always warms her heart so much, he is almost obliged to do what she asks him to do.

Just like today, he is still waiting for her in her apartment.

After painting the picture, Long Batian stood beside Shanbao.

Long Batian: Are you on your way back now?Is there someone for you?
Shanbao: I’m sitting in the car playing games with you now. Someone gave it to me. I haven’t set off yet, but it’s coming soon. Come on, let’s continue with the task.

After typing a sentence and sending it out, Shanbao took Long Batian into the dungeon again.

The more Lu Yingshan played, the more serious she became, so that she didn't even notice that Huo Shaojie got into the car.

Therefore, Huo Shaojie's abrupt words scared her so much that she almost threw her phone on the ground.

Huo Shaojie said: "Live alone at night, are you afraid?"

Lu Yingshan held the phone steady without raising her head, and continued to swipe the pictures without raising her head.

Maybe it was because she was nervous, so she didn't even think about it when she spoke, and just blurted out the truth, "I don't live alone."

But then, she became curious again, why would he ask her this question, she lived alone in the apartment a few years ago, how could she be afraid?

Huo Shaojie didn't know why he asked such a question, what he actually wanted to say was, why don't you live in Rui'an Community and live with him.

He didn't know why he had such an idea, but he just got into the car and thought so the moment he saw her.

But she said, she doesn't live alone...

Who is that with?And Xun Yunuo?

PS: Puff babies, Ayao is going to bed, and the same sentence, if you like it, vote, okay~ Good night~ You guys go to bed early too~

(End of this chapter)

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