Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 815 I'm still used to living alone

Chapter 815 I'm still used to living alone

"Are you playing Boundless?" Huo Shaojie glanced sideways at her phone screen.

Lu Yingshan subconsciously said "um", and then she suddenly locked the screen of the phone.

She was afraid that he would see that this was a copy of the Hero Mission. Although she could explain afterwards that she asked a hacker friend to help her unilaterally terminate the relationship with the Hero, but if she was caught on the spot now, no matter how she explained it, it seemed unconvincing. .

Naturally, she wasn't afraid that Huo Shaojie would be angry because she broke the relationship with the hero, what she was afraid of was that he knew she had touched his cell phone.

Huo Shaojie naturally didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing that she had locked the screen of her phone, she subconsciously asked, "Why don't you play anymore?"

Lu Yingshan bit her lip and made up a random reason, "I...I can't beat it, I don't want to play anymore."

"Do you want me to take you?" Huo Shaojie wanted to pick up the phone while talking.

Lu Yingshan hurriedly stopped her, "No, no, you'd better take me home quickly."

Hearing her say the word "go home", he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. She wanted to go back to her own apartment, not their wedding room.

Some time ago, he had a sweet time with her. At that time, he really wanted to please her, and then broke the engagement.

But since she stopped living with him, he actually missed her a little.

When Lu Yingshan moved out to live, she told the servants in the villa in Ou Ruian Community that she was going to the film crew to film during this time, so she would always stay in the hotel arranged by the crew. Parents snitch.

In the past, when Lu Yingshan was chattering around him, he would find it annoying, but after she moved out, he would often think of her when she dreamed back at midnight.

He didn't know what was wrong with him. He had thought about calling her in the past few days, but he hesitated every time he wanted to call her.

Remember that day in the fairyland on earth, she must be sad and angry when he said such harsh words to her?

Otherwise, she wouldn't have drunk so much that night, and she wouldn't have moved out to live by herself after that day.

In fact, he didn't want to say such heavy words that day, but he just happened to be in a bad mood that day.

If it was normal, he would definitely find a way to coax her. She is also a good friend of his childhood sweetheart who grew up together.

Huo Shaojie started the car, and when he drove out of the old residential area, he said, "It's getting late, why don't you let me go? Drive closer."

In fact, Lu Yingshan was still throbbing and excited when she heard Huo Shaojie say that, but after thinking about it, she stopped. Did she forget what he said to her before?

He tried his best to be nice to her, but he just wanted to break off the engagement with her, so why should she humiliate herself again.

Forget him is the best home.

Lu Yingshan lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "No need, I'm still used to living alone."

Huo Shaojie's brows and eyes were stained with a trace of regret, and even his voice was a little lonely, "Okay then."

"Have you been filming recently?" Huo Shaojie asked after driving for a while.

Lu Yingshan said truthfully, "No, I'm taking a break recently. I lied to those servants, lest they make small reports and cause your credit card to be suspended."

A sense of guilt rose in Huo Shaojie's heart. He spoke so cruelly to her that day, and she still thought of him...

PS: Puff babies, vote if you like it~ I don’t want to spoil it for the time being, hehe~

(End of this chapter)

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