Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 818 Is Your Phone Prettier Than Me?

Chapter 818 Is Your Phone Prettier Than Me?
Seeing Jin Chenyu lingering, Xun Yunuo frowned, he always wanted to touch her before, but now he doesn't even want her to come to her door.

Is he not interested in her?Or was she not attractive to him anymore?Or is he tired of her?
No matter what it is, she can't bear it!
Xun Yunuo bit her lip, raised her hand and grabbed Jin Chenyu's collar, she raised her small face and stared at Jin Chenyu's handsome face, "I asked you to take a bath for me, did you hear that?"

Jin Chenyu looked at the girl who seemed to be out of breath in front of him, and swallowed. Is this a combination of soft and hard?

No, he has to hold back, this must be her testing him.

In the past few days, his relationship with her has become more and more relaxed. If he accidentally does something wrong, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

Jin Chenyu held Xun Yunuo's hand and gently took it away from his collar. He said very seriously, "Let's take a bath tomorrow, okay?"

After saying that, Jin Chenyu turned around and walked out of the bathroom, he was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, he would not be able to resist her temptation and give in.

Xun Yunuo froze in place, staring blankly at Jin Chenyu's leaving back, and it took him a while to recover.

What!He actually rejected her!
Xun Yunuo's face was swollen with anger, he stomped his feet unwillingly, and then began to take off his clothes.

After taking off her clothes, she walked barefoot to the door of the bathroom and peeped out. Jin Chenyu was sitting on the sofa with his head down and playing with his mobile phone.

Xun Yunuo bit her lip, and with an unrelenting attitude, picked up the bath towel at the side, wrapped it loosely around her chest, and then strode out of the bathroom.

When Jin Chenyu heard the movement, he raised his head and saw the woman in front of him.

She was only loosely wrapped in a bath towel, her fair skin was exposed, her head was slightly lowered, and her face was still flushed.

"What's wrong?" Jin Chenyu asked with some confusion.Even though she was so attractive that he couldn't take his eyes off him, he still resisted the impulse in his heart, took his eyes back, pretended that nothing happened, and continued to play with his phone with his head down.

Seeing his reaction like this, Xun Yunuo felt even more aggrieved, how could he turn a blind eye to her like this!
For a moment, she put aside all the girl's reserve and shyness, sat down on his lap, stretched out her hands to hook his neck, and snatched the phone from his hand.

"The phone looks better than mine, doesn't it?" Xun Yunuo pouted and said dissatisfied.

Leaning against her bosom with a soft and boneless body, no matter how much Jin Chenyu tried to bear it, it seemed that she couldn't bear it anymore, her body was very honest...

And Xun Yunuo who was sitting on his lap also felt something strange...

Her little face was like a ripe tomato, it was so bright red that it seemed to bleed.

Xun Yunuo was a little shy all of a sudden, and completely lost the momentum she had just now. She said in a low voice, "Well... I came to ask you to help me take a bath. I sweated a lot today. If I wash it tomorrow, It's going to stink..."

As soon as the words fell, Jin Chenyu hugged her horizontally and walked to the bathroom.

Xun Yunuo finally felt a lot happier in her heart, so she just said, she is so attractive, everyone loves flowers, how could she not attract him.

Standing by the bathtub, Jin Chenyu gently put Xun Yunuo down. He subconsciously wanted to help her take off the bath towel, but when he just touched the bath towel, he retracted immediately.

Xun Yunuo noticed Jin Chenyu's moaning, so he said dissatisfiedly, "Help me take it off quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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