Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 819 I Want to Tell You Quietly

Chapter 819 I want to whisper to you
Xun Yunuo noticed Jin Chenyu's moaning, so he said dissatisfiedly, "Help me take it off quickly."

Jin Chenyu glanced at Xun Yunuo, and thought to himself, can he really take it off?Will you hit me if you take it off?If you take it off, will you turn on me and call me a beast?
He stretched out his hand cautiously, and as soon as he grabbed the corner of the towel, the towel slipped off her body, and the graceful figure was displayed in front of him at a glance, which made him lose his mind.

This time, it wasn't that he couldn't restrain himself from touching her, or that she fell asleep at night, but that he accidentally saw her exposed white skin.

It was the fact that she stood in front of him and asked him to take off her clothes, not to mention whether this was a test she gave him, which really made him very excited.

While he was in a daze, Xun Yunuo had already stepped into the bathtub and lay down.

"Come here." Xun Yunuo stretched out his fingers and ticked Jin Chenyu.

Jin Chenyu frowned slightly, why did he find this scene weird, how did it look like the little boy was being taken care of by a rich woman, and had to bathe the rich woman.

He took two steps forward, his graceful figure looming under the water, making him even more seductive, he turned his head away from looking at her, suppressed the impulse in his heart, and said in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Xun Yunuo slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and a hint of slyness appeared on the brow, "Come here again, I can't tell you how far it is."

Jin Chenyu took another two steps forward, but his eyes were still on other places. He didn't dare to look at her, fearing that he couldn't help but have a nosebleed.

"Come down, I want to whisper to you." Xun Yunuo waved to Jin Chenyu who was standing straight.

Jin Chenyu frowned slightly, and slowly bent over, but his eyes still fell elsewhere.

Xun Yunuo leaned into Jin Chenyu's ear, did not speak, but let out a few breaths.

It was this gentle warm breath that made Jin Chen Yu's whole body tremble.

Just as he was about to say something, his collar was pulled again, and the next second, he flung himself into the bathtub unsteadily.

With a "plop", the water splashed very high, and he just fell on Xun Yunuo's body. Just as he wanted to get up, she stretched out her legs and wrapped them around his waist, making him unable to move.

The two were very close, Jin Chenyu's breathing was a little short, and even his chest heaved slightly.

She is really playing with fire. If she is really testing him, it will be too painful.

"Let's wash together."

Xun Yunuo's voice was soft and gentle, and it broke into Jin Chenyu's heart without warning, making his already throbbing heart even more agitated.

He suppressed the impulse in his heart, and said in a muffled voice, "I came down with my clothes on, and the water was dirty."

Xun Yunuo said in a commanding tone, "Take off your clothes first."

Jin Chenyu wasn't shy, but he was afraid that the two of them would burn like firewood, and he was wearing nothing, what should he do if he couldn't hold it for a while?
While draining the water in the bathtub, Xun Yunuo said to Jin Chenyu displeasedly, "I said, can you stop being so grouchy, is it because I'm afraid I'll eat you or something?"

What's wrong with him today? It's very different from the past. She's so active, and he's still so goofy. Could it be that she's really unattractive?
PS: Xiao Nuonuo, your ability to seduce people is not shallow...but why doesn't brother Chen just take the bait...

(End of this chapter)

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