Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 886 There is no silver here 32

Chapter 886 There is no silver 300 taels here

The next day was the weekend, Jin Chenyu didn't go to work, Xun Yunuo was always worried that he would ask her where she went last night, but today, he didn't ask her this question all day, of course she wouldn't take the initiative to explain, so There is no suspicion of 300 taels of silver here.

During lunch, Han Qin was a little dizzy. After doing some simple examinations for her, Ren Ran suggested that she still go to the hospital.

Han Qin waved her hand, feeling that she was making a big fuss, "Don't need to go to the hospital? It's just a little dizzy."

"Aqin, you'd better go to the hospital for a check-up. There's no harm anyway. Stop by the dim sum shop next to the old bookstore in the city center and buy some dim sum." Jin Dexiong said.

Han Qin smiled and said, "Okay, I'll just go. A few days ago, you told me that you wanted to eat dim sum from that shop. I forgot for a while, and I will buy it for you today."

Xun Yunuo looked at the middle-aged two people, they looked at each other with eyes full of love, which made her sigh.

When they were young, Kim Deok-hung and Han Qin had missed each other for so many years, but now they are finally together, and it turned out like this.

Jin Dexiong became thinner and thinner, but the smile on his face was still bright.

Perhaps, he is satisfied.

Now the beloved has returned to him, and the children have a home.

At least before leaving this world, you can still enjoy family happiness.

Xun Yunuo glanced sideways at the man beside him, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, and she and him would never miss each other again.

Jin Chenyu noticed her gaze and turned to look back at her.

Xun Yunuo smiled at him faintly, then quickly lowered his head to pick up the rice.

If it had been before, Jin Chenyu would have been happy too when he saw her happy appearance.

It's just that last night, when he found out that she met Ke Yuze, how could he be so happy? Could it be because she looked so happy because she met Ke Yuze last night?

He didn't dare to think further.

He was afraid that he would lose his composure if he sat down again, so he calmed down and stood up, "I'm full, I'll go upstairs to work first."

After speaking, he went straight to the stairs.

Xun Yunuo raised his head from the bowl and looked to the side. The food hasn't moved much, so he's full?

After eating, Xun Yunuo went upstairs and was about to go back to the bedroom to watch TV. When he passed by the study, he heard the sound of typing on the keyboard.

The door was half open, she glanced inside subconsciously, Jin Chenyu was sitting at the table, looking at the computer screen intently, her fingers were flying quickly on the keyboard, and there were bursts of crisp sounds.

After thinking about it, Xun Yunuo felt that it was better not to disturb him, so she withdrew her eyes and walked to the bedroom.

After entering the room, she sat down on the sofa, then threw off the slippers on her feet, and sat up cross-legged on the sofa.

She picked up the remote control, turned on the TV, and switched channels randomly.

When switching to a certain movie, she stopped, threw the remote control aside, and began to watch it with great interest.

The movie ended after an hour and a half, but Xun Yunuo didn't bother to change the channel.

She leaned on the sofa and stretched, she was so bored, she wondered if Jin Chenyu was still busy.

She picked up her phone and sent him a WeChat message.

The notification sound of the mobile phone soon echoed in the bedroom, and Xun Yunuo looked for the source of the sound and found that his mobile phone was in the corner of the sofa.

PS: Xiao Nuonuo: I really want to peek at my phone...

Brother Chen: Oh.

(End of this chapter)

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