Paranoid male god depends on me

Chapter 887 Show your attitude in front of him

Chapter 887 Show your attitude in front of him
The notification sound of the mobile phone soon echoed in the bedroom, and Xun Yunuo looked for the source of the sound and found that his mobile phone was in the corner of the sofa.

She subconsciously picked up the phone and unlocked it. She knew his password, and it was her birthday.

Once unlocked, her curiosity arose. She knew it was not good to peek at other people's mobile phones, but who asked him to set the password as her birthday.

But holding Jin Chenyu's phone and hesitated for a while, Xun Yunuo decided that he was not curious anymore, and there was nothing interesting to see.

Just when she decided to put the phone back, the phone vibrated and the notification sounded again. It was a WeChat message, and Xun Yunuo clicked on it again.

As soon as she opened it, she frowned. Who was the person who sent the message?Why use her picture as the avatar?
The content of the message sent by the other party is: Are you there?

This made her curiosity come out again. She swipe her fingers a few times and flipped through the chat records, but she saw something that she couldn't even think of.

It turned out to be the photo of her and Ke Yuze outside yesterday, as well as a short video.

She looked at the time the other party sent these photos, it was last night, that is to say, Jin Chenyu already knew that she and Ke Yuze had gone out?
She was still thinking about how to hide this matter from the past, but now she knew that he had known it a long time ago.

But why didn't Jin Chenyu come to question her when he saw this?Is it waiting for her to confess or is there some other reason?

She had an urge to ask him, but for a moment she didn't know what to ask.

Thinking about it, Xun Yunuo had unconsciously walked to the door of the study.

The door was half open, but not closed. When she realized it, half of her body had already entered the study, and she couldn't get out even if she wanted to, because Jin Chenyu saw her.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking at her.

Meeting Jin Chenyu's gaze, Xun Yunuo shuddered suddenly, and subconsciously avoided his gaze, because her head was a little dazed at the moment.

She secretly took two deep breaths, walked to the bookshelf pretending to be relaxed, picked up a book with her back to him, and flipped through it, so that she felt less nervous.

She said slowly, "It's nothing, just watching TV is a bit boring, get up and walk around."

Jin Chenyu looked at her back and shook his head, and said after a while, "I'll be done soon, and I'll take you out for a stroll later?"

"Okay." Xun Yunuo replied.

After a while, she rolled her eyes, as if she suddenly remembered something, "It's better not to go shopping, I went out last night."

Jin Chenyu's typing hands paused suddenly, and then returned to normal.

"Really?" He seemed to be asking casually, but there was a trace of tension in his eyes.

Xun Yunuo bit her lip, suppressed the nervousness in her heart before speaking, "Yeah, I went to school with Yu Ze last night, and even set up a Kongming lantern."

Jin Chenyu's heart trembled suddenly, was she finally going to show her attitude in front of him?

He moved his lips, but something stuck in his throat, and he couldn't speak.

Xun Yunuo said vigorously, "Yuze and I had something to talk about last night, so I went out. When I passed by the school, I saw the Kongming lantern, so I couldn't resist entering the school. After the Kongming lantern was released, we went to Wuyou The hotel is eating desserts, and talking about things while eating..."

PS: Brother Chen: Be lenient when confessing and be strict when resisting!
Little Nuonuo: I didn't do anything bad...

(End of this chapter)

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