Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 402 Father-in-law, I am here

Chapter 402 Father-in-law, I am here

When the time came, the engagement ceremony officially began.

Gu Shili changed into a white custom-made dress that she hadn't worn for a long time, her hair was tied up high, revealing her beautiful white swan neck.

Xu Shi grew up delicate and delicate, her white and tender skin was as dazzling and tender as jade fat, the young man just wanted to hide her and admire her alone.

The boy also put on a high-end suit, with a slender figure, exquisite and three-dimensional features, and beautiful jade like a crown.

Standing together, the two of them are both talented and beautiful, it is a match made in heaven, there is nothing more suitable than them.Just standing there simply is very pleasing to the eye.

Many people also came to witness their engagement ceremony, but most of them were friends.There is hardly anyone involved in business or political power.

After all, no matter how grand it was, it was just an engagement ceremony.

When it's time for the wedding, it's never too late to ask.

There are both zombies and humans at the scene, and the zombies are basically the same as humans except for their cloudy eyes.

In fact, the engagement ceremony is very simple. As for the parents, only the woman has a father. Now this ceremony is just a formality.

After all, it is the combination of the human leader's daughter and the zombie king, so it has to be told to the world.

In the words of the host, Gu Shili took the boy's arm and slowly came to Gu Jianguo.

There was sudden applause at the scene, one after another, the sound was very loud.

Almost everyone was staring at the stage without taking their eyes off it.

Zhang Dasang was sitting below, and sighed for a while: "I saw Gu Ye and Du Ye met, but I didn't expect that in just a year, these two people will get engaged, but I'm still single, what a shame."

Leng Huang glanced at Zhang Dasang from the side, and a smile slowly appeared on his indifferent face, as if recalling, "The one-year agreement back then, I never thought that I would be here all my life."

"Haha, Ah Huang, this girl from Shili has been a traitor since she was a child. You think she was tricked by her. She will never suffer." Song Anjing looked in Gu Shili's direction with a real smile in her eyes. .

The corners of Leng Huang's lips curled slightly, "What do you mean... I understand, you have been tricked a lot?"

Song Anjing coughed, looked embarrassed, and changed the topic, "Today is a good day in Shili, why are we discussing these things? Let's skip these words for now, skip them."

Leng Huang glanced at him, smiled without saying a word.

Tang Qi propped his chin, tried to open his eyes wide, and let out a breath, "Isn't Mrs. Gu Shan cold? It's snowing today."

Liang Youxiao said speechlessly beside him: "Sister, this is indoors, and the heater is turned on."

"Really?" Tang Qi touched the little skirt on his body, "Maybe it's because of my physical fitness."

"It's not possible, it is."


On the stage, the host smiled and welcomed Gu Jianguo up.

"Now, please let Ms. Gu Shili's father send her heartfelt blessings!"

Gu Jianguo looked at the pair of Bi people in front of him, his lips curled up, and his eyes slowly fell on the young man.

For some reason, it was obviously the day of his daughter's great joy, but the father had no emotion on his face every day.

He just said slowly to the boy: "Zombie King."

Hearing this, Di Du's vigor dissipated a little, and he lowered his eyes, "My lord father-in-law, I'm here."

After all, it is Gu Shili's respected father. It is normal to be in a bad mood at this time.

Which father who married his daughter was happy that day?
The boy thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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