Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 403 Gu Jianguo Killed Gu Shili

Chapter 403 Gu Jianguo Killed Gu Shili
Gu Jianguo suddenly looked up at him, "What father-in-law!"

Di Du raised his eyes, "It will be there in a while."

His brows and eyes were gentle and smiling, and he seemed to let go all of a sudden.

Perhaps it was the reason why Gu Shili was standing beside him.

Everything is unreal like a dream.

And what he doesn't know is that he will lose his love forever later.

Underneath, Di Qianqian was holding two ring boxes in his hands, looked at the stage boredly, sighed, and couldn't help muttering: "Qianqian really wants to go up, when can I go up?"

The little guy said so, but he always kept Aunt Leng's words in mind, and she could only go up when the uncle who was hosting told her to go up.

She hid in a place where her mother couldn't see, just to surprise her mother.

in fact……

Her mother has long seen through the 'little trick' of the father and daughter.

On the stage, Gu Jianguo lowered his head and coughed, then turned his gaze to Gu Shili.


That trace of complexity is fleeting.

Gu Shili looked at him, smiled slowly, and called out sweetly, "Dad."

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

It's been a really long time.

She vaguely remembered that her father strongly opposed it in her previous life, but she never expected that after she told her father clearly about the past in this life, her father would not object at all, as if she had opened up the two veins of Ren and Du.

Gu Shili only has his father as a relative, and he really wants to be blessed by him.

It’s just that in the last life, for some reason, Gu Jianguo always opposed it.

Gu Shili felt that her mind went blank for a moment, but she didn't have time to think about it.

At this moment, she looked at Gu Jianguo with a smile, her face full of happiness.

"Good boy."

Gu Jianguo patted Gu Shili on the shoulder, lowered his head, unable to see his emotion, "Shili, do you want to get Dad's blessing?"

Gu Shili glanced at Didu, then at Gu Jianguo, a little hesitant and a little strange.

Dad, why would he ask such a question?

But at this moment, she still smiled and said, "Of course, your blessing is very important, and I really hope to get your blessing."

Gu Jianguo's face suddenly changed, and the expression that had been mild just now turned gloomy.

Seeing this, Gu Shili's heart skipped a beat.

Dad... what's wrong?
"Gu Shili, you should wake up."

What should she wake up for?
Gu Shili didn't know why, so he panicked all of a sudden.

Looking at Gu Jianguo's gloomy and blurred face, she turned her head to look at other people in fright.

Di Du still had a smile on his face, and it could be seen from his face that he was very happy.

The host was still smiling, and the guests below were also full of joy.

Only in front of her...


Gu Jianguo suddenly curled his lips into a smile, and the laughter became sinister, "Gu Shili, you shouldn't be here."

Gu Shili took a step back suddenly, hesitantly, "Dad, you should call me Shili's——"

what happened?what is the problem?

Why did her father suddenly seem like a different person?
Gu Jianguo took out a laser pistol, aimed it at Gu Shili's forehead, and pressed the trigger to shoot out a blue light, "Dreams are after all bubbles that burst when touched. Wake up, Gu Shili."

Gu Shili looked at the dark muzzle of the gun, his invincible courage almost collapsed at this moment.

She never thought that one day she would be killed by her biological father during the engagement ceremony, how ironic it is!
She stared wide-eyed, as if she was frozen in place, all these changes were too sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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