Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 408 Memory Recovery

Chapter 408 Memory Recovery
Gu Shili was surprised, is this a robot?
She narrowed her eyes, she was still a silver soldier.

She looked behind Sheng Er, her eyes gradually darkened, it seemed that he was also a robot, a red soldier.

The place where the whip had been... exposed the traces of metal inside.

A robot has been helping her?
Gu Shili shook his head suddenly, his memory started to become confused again, and he had a terrible headache.


Sheng Er noticed the movement behind her and subconsciously turned around.

Seeing Gu Shili covering his head with one hand, he immediately put down the hoe and went to help her, "Are you having a headache again? Why don't you go back first, even if I dig the remaining [-] pits until tomorrow, I'll pay for it." Finish it for him."

The land here is difficult to cultivate, and the most primitive method is insisted on, manual digging and artificial planting.

These are bad ideas that the group of alliance members came up with. It is clear that high technology can be used to reclaim the land, but they don't.

So, put artificial labor on them aborigines.

It's just that they are all guilty.

Gu Shili shook his head with difficulty, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Sheng You hesitated to speak, but finally insisted on her, "All right, then if you are really uncomfortable, just tell me."

"Okay, I understand Xiao Er."

Sheng You responded without feeling anything, turned around, picked up the hoe and continued walking forward.

Gu Shili was startled for a moment, wait——

What did she just call him?Junior?

She suddenly felt a strange and eerie sense of familiarity.

Why didn't he react abnormally when she called him Xiao Er just now?
Gu Shili looked at his back, but in the end he didn't ask anything, and followed him with the hoe in his hand.

"Shengli, you dig over there, and I'll dig over here. Okay?"

Gu Shili glanced sideways, and it was obvious that the side Sheng Er was going to dig had to be weeded, while the side she was going to dig had already been weeded.

Gu Shili took a look at Sheng You, and said hello without saying anything.

She walked to the other side and squeezed the hoe tightly in her hand.

In fact, she doesn't know what to do at all, but she can observe, and someone next to him is repeating the action, and she can take a look or two.

Following the example of the person next to her, she raised the hoe in her hand and forced it downward, digging a hole.

She also saw the person next to him take out a few white seeds from his waist and throw them into the hole in the ground.

Gu Shili followed suit, touched his waist, and found the seed.

She learned it well, and she did it very vigorously for a while.

Seeing Gu Shili's diligent appearance in the distance, Sheng Er suddenly nodded in relief.

But in the next second, he looked a little sad again.

Shili, when will you regain your sanity?

Gu Shi was digging the soil and planting the seeds. In this short afternoon, she recovered all her memories.

When she learned the truth, it was a little difficult to relax.

Seeing that the seventy pits were filled with seeds, Sheng Er rarely showed a smile on his pretty face. He gave Gu Shili a thumbs up, just like treating a child.

"Sheng Li, you are awesome today! I can finally have a full meal tonight."

Gu Shili raised his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes were calm and unwavering, "Xiao Er, my name is Gu Shili."

Sheng You's complexion changed, she looked around in a panic, walked over and lowered her voice: "How many times have I told you, your name is not Gu Shili, but Sheng Li!"

"Xiaoer, I've recovered, and I remember it all."

The hoe in Sheng You's hand fell with a thud, and he just stared at her in disbelief.

"You, what did you say?"

 Well, if you want to know what happened next, please see tomorrow--

(End of this chapter)

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