Chapter 409
The breeze came slowly, blowing Gu Shili's broken hair, and then fell to the sides, revealing only those bright and charming peach blossom eyes.

The girl lowered her head slowly, her bright red lips curled up slightly, and she said calmly: "I said, Xiao Er, I have recovered everything."

Sheng You burst into tears suddenly, his emotions couldn't stop collapsing.

All of a sudden, some strange eyes came from around, making Gu Shili feel uncomfortable, as if she had done something outrageous.

But she didn't say anything, just stared at Sheng Er quietly, letting him vent his emotions.

These days, he was indeed wronged.

When Sheng You had cried enough, Gu Shili walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "We'll talk when we go back."

Although Sheng Er cried again, he didn't have any tears. He was a robot and just imitated his expression.

He calmed down quickly, his expression changed, and he nodded solemnly.

"Let's go."

Different from the dazed one who just woke up, now she is confident and introverted, and Sheng Er follows behind, suddenly feeling that the time when he knew him has returned.

That confident and willful woman.

However, she clearly just fainted for a while, why did she wake up all of a sudden?
Sheng You shook his head suddenly, thinking about what to do so much, as long as Shili is back.


Gu Shili walked unhurriedly to a place similar to the front desk, where stood an alliance member, wearing a chef's clothes, leaning there leisurely.

The characteristics of Lianmen people are quite obvious. They are the same as Blue Star people on the outside, but they are very tall. The average male is 1.9 meters, and the average female is 1.7 meters.

However, even if the 1.9-meter Blue Star and the 1.9-meter Alliance stand together, they can still be distinguished at a glance.

The temperament is different, and the aura is also different.

Gu Shili's height was not bad at first, at least not too low, but in front of the average 1.9-meter Leaguers, he seemed a little short.

"My lord, the work is done, and I would like to have another dinner."

The alliance chef lowered his head to see the skinny little blue star human in front of him, and said in a casual tone, "Oh, the number."

Gu Shili swallowed the name on his lips again, glanced at Sheng You, retracted his gaze and said slowly: "The serial number is 7436454."

The alliance chef got the number, opened the terminal and swiped it twice, and a holographic map was displayed.

He found out the amount of vegetables that Gu Shili had grown today. An adult human woman needs to grow 40 pits of vegetables every day. He checked it, clicked to confirm, and then turned around and took out an iron dinner plate.

With a bang, he threw it on the table in front of him, and the rice on the iron dinner plate splashed a lot and fell outside.

The originally messy stage became even more messy.

Seeing this, Sheng You was reluctant to be treated like this by Gu Shili, and wanted to rush forward to argue, "You..."

Gu Shili stopped him, shook his head, "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, she stood on tiptoe, held the iron plate on the stage in her hand without any distaste, and stepped back to wait for Sheng Er.

Sheng You looked at Gu Shili, curled his lips, and had no choice but to extinguish his anger.

They are small in number, so they can only bear this grievance.

As soon as Sheng Er walked over and looked up, he saw the sneer on the chef's face of the alliance. When he thought of Gu Shili's expression, he endured it.

It doesn't matter to him if others laugh at him or ridicule him, but he must not insult his time.

Sheng You said coldly: "Number 7436437."

The Union chef glanced at Sheng You and snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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