Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 433 It's not very harmful, but it's very insulting

Chapter 433 It's not very harmful, but it's very insulting

Now Blue Star is ostensibly integrated into the Interstellar Alliance, but its nature is similar to that of an affiliation, and it has not yet fully integrated into it.

Don't say whether Blue Star wants to join in or not. To be honest, not everyone can join an organization system as large as the Star Alliance.

If Bluestar Technology was a little more backward, it might not even be eligible to join the Star Alliance.

As I said before, if it weren't for the fact that this planet can grow natural plants on a large scale and cultivate natural meat, the Alliance would not have paid much attention to this place at all.

Gu Shili tilted his head and blinked his peachy eyes, "To be honest, my lords, I have some enemies in the human race."

Charlie and Mark looked at each other, and Mark smiled with an expression that he knew a long time ago: "You girl, do you think we don't know?"

Gu Shili paused, then smiled nonchalantly: "What do the two adults know?"

Mark snorted softly, "Even if we don't need to investigate, we know that you can appear here, what else is the reason?"

A capable and powerful person lives in a small place and does the hardest and most tiring work. Anyone can see the problem.

Gu Shili coughed, "My lords, after the name on this identity information is finalized, can it still be changed?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately received meaningful looks from the two of them.

"I knew you were dishonest."

Gu Shili looked up at the ceiling, then at the floor, and selectively ignored Mark's words.

Mark shook his head with a smile and didn't speak again.

Charlie didn't say much. Before, he said lightly: "It doesn't matter, as long as your genes are your own. The name is just a title. It's very simple to change it when the time comes."

Gu Shili lowered his eyes slightly, and said in an extremely polite tone, "Thank you, Mr. Charlie, I'll go back first if there's nothing else to do."


Gu Shili had just taken two steps before turning back suddenly.

Charlie looked at her, "What's the matter? Is there anything else."

Gu Shili touched his face, and suddenly said very cheekily: "Master Charlie, do you have a mask?"

She can't make any money now, and she probably entered the talent training program, which is only training her, so how can she be paid?
So, she is very poor.

Without money, how to buy a mask is really painful and sad.

Once upon a time, she was as rich as a country!
Alas, if I say too much, it will be tears.

Charlie suddenly looked Gu Shili up and down, as if he understood something, "Afraid of revealing your identity? I have read your information, and you have been here for three months."

It means that it hasn't been exposed for three months, so why are you in a hurry now.

Gu Shili put his fingertips on his lips, feeling a little embarrassed, "Didn't my mind go bad for a while before, now that I'm awake, it's natural to attract attention, otherwise how did the adults find me?"

Charlie glanced at her again, pondered for a moment, and then took out a silver-white half-face mask from the space button, "I happen to have a mask here, it belongs to my daughter, but she threw it to me when she didn't want it. It happens to be a mask worn by women, so if I don’t need it, I’ll give it to you.”

Gu Shili was stunned for a moment, a little hesitant, after all, it belonged to his daughter.

She hesitated for a while, raised her eyes and tentatively said, "...then I'll buy it?"

Charlie: "No, here you are. Besides, do you have any money?"

Gu Shili: "..." Sorry, it's not hurtful, but extremely insulting.

 It's noon:

  Thank you readers [Meimei] for rewarding 1666 book coins!

  Thanks to Hongxiu readers [Wang Jie canceled the like] for rewarding a bottle of Bing Kuo Luo!

  Love you~~~Group: 793986199
(End of this chapter)

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