Zombie little milk dog he is not good

Chapter 434 The pattern is too small

Chapter 434 The pattern is too small
Gu Shili didn't take it. After all, it belonged to his daughter, so it's not very good.


She looked at the mask. People who can wear that mask are at least adults, right?
Mr. Charlie looks young, but it doesn't seem like he has such a big daughter.

After all, he looked like he was in his early thirties.

Thinking of age... Gu Shili thought about himself, and instantly felt prickly.

Seeing Gu Shili's hesitation, Charlie stretched out his hand, "Take it, I know your concerns."

Gu Shili looked at the mask in front of him, struggled for a while, and finally took it.

Right now, she really needs this thing to cover her eyes and ears.

Once she climbed up, she would definitely attract more people's attention. If she didn't cover it up, she would just be exposed before she climbed up.

Gu Shili lowered his head slightly, and thanked him very politely, "Master Charlie, I have written down your favor."

Charlie patted her on the shoulder, "Go back, I'll contact you tomorrow, pack your things and get ready."

Gu Shili responded.

But nothing happened to her, so she turned and left.

Mark stood behind Charlie and said slowly, "Master Charlie, will she bring us hope?"

Charlie turned around, and the voice came faintly: "Whether it brings hope or not, at least her talent should not be low."

"Master Charlie's idea is...do you want her to join our family?"

Charlie sat down, leaned back, and gradually narrowed his eyes, "If she is really such an amazing talent, our family will not be able to protect her."

Mark couldn't help but said, "What if the tester is really broken?"

He still can't imagine that Gu Shili would have such a talent.

Charlie's voice gradually became distant, "Time will tell everything. If she is, we will do our best to cultivate her."


The most cherished is the talent.

There is a very powerful race in the Milky Way. They have strange shapes and huge bodies, like hills.

Their name is Zerg.

They come and go without a trace, and they like to attack and destroy planets the most.

On a planet, encountering Zerg is simply a disaster.

Whether it is the Alliance or other systems in the galaxy, resisting the Zerg invasion is a headache for everyone.

The alliance's recruitment of talents is also to resist disgusting bugs and protect every planet from being destroyed.


Gu Shili squeezed the mask in his hand, the touch in his hand was cold and soft, very comfortable.

She lowered her head and looked carefully at the silver-white mask in her hand. She looked very low-key and restrained, not ostentatious at all.

She thought to herself, she didn't know what material this mask was made of... it should be an interstellar material.

For a moment, she felt that she was too small.

If you can go out and see the outside world, it's okay.

The corners of Gu Shili's lips curled slightly, he put the mask back into the space, hummed a little tune and went to farm.

It's still early today, and it's still too late to go now.


"Xiao Er, what are your plans?"

Sheng You frowned, "What is your plan?"

Gu Shili elaborated on today's events, "I'm going to participate in their talent training plan, but the robot family doesn't have this kind of potential talent."

"I want to ask you, do you want to stay by my side in human form, or as before, in the form of a terminal?"

Sheng You's brows became more and more wrinkled, and he asked a little puzzled: "Shili, where are you going, can't I follow?"

(End of this chapter)

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