Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 212 An Amazingly Talented Girl Appears in Kyoto

Chapter 212 An Amazingly Talented Girl Appears in Kyoto
"Okay, Sister Shu, it's rare for you to be so determined. After all, it's worth all my efforts for you."

Shu Ling's big eyes blinked, with a look of doubt in them.

Jiang Xin began to talk about her plan:
"Sister Shu, Lin Rui hasn't been home for many years, this time because of his meritorious service, the prince gave him a reward, so I took this opportunity to ask the prince to give Lin Rui some vacation, so that he can have the opportunity to return home Visiting relatives, the prince has already agreed, and promised to let him return to his hometown after the year, so, Sister Shu, your chance has come."

Shu Ling suddenly became nervous, she murmured:

"Me, what am I going to do?"

Jiang Xin said:
"You can go with him."

Shu Ling's hands were a little helpless, they were placed on his knees, and they couldn't stop trembling. Jiang Xin grabbed her hands and said to her:
"Sister Shu, don't be afraid, isn't this what you have always wanted?"

Shu Ling nodded vigorously:

"Xinmei, thank you for helping me so much. But how should I explain to my lord? Will my sister be hurt?"

Jiang Xin shook her head:
"Don't worry, no, I have a way to send you out without anyone noticing, but Sister Shu, when you leave the palace, you will no longer be Shu Ling, the nobleman of the Xunyang Palace. Ordinary, ordinary people."

Shu Ling fell into longing for a better future:

"That's the best. It's better than being in the dark in the palace. At that time, Lin Rui and I will live the lives of ordinary people and be a bunch of ordinary couples for the rest of our lives."

Jiang Xin friendly reminded:
"Sister Shu, our research is so good, you can understand Lin Rui's thoughts, are you sure that he will be willing to take this risk for you?"

Shu Ling firmly said:

"I'm sure he also has me in his heart, but because of his identity, he doesn't dare to reveal too much. Sister Xin, you just follow the plan. I'll find a chance to talk to him about Lin Rui."

Seeing that Shu Ling was so sure, Jiang Xin didn't say anything more.

After the two sisters finished dreaming about their beautiful future, Shu Ling started to gossip about something like the women in the backyard of ordinary mansions. She was always well-informed and knew everything about the capital, so she said:
"Sister Xin, recently, among the daughters of the family members of the capital, there has been an amazingly talented woman. It is said that she has the appearance of a fairy, with a clean and cool temperament, a vast knowledge, and a brilliant literary talent. She is the No. 1 girl in Kyoto The location is really enviable!"

Jiang Xin didn't take it seriously, she lived deep in the palace and walked around Qiuyuebai every day, never heard of such a character.

But Jiang Xin knows that in the aristocratic circles of the aristocratic families in Kyoto, there is a lot of competition for the first place. Men compare power over status, and women compare beauty over talent. Chess, calligraphy and painting, life is extremely boring, once you have the opportunity to display your talents, you must use all your strengths, and try your best to come out on top in places where nobles from various aristocratic families gather, especially those women who have not left the court. The opportunity to gain a reputation in the circle is also conducive to finding a well-matched husband in the future and continuing a prosperous life.

Shu Ling said:
"I heard that this girl is not ordinary. Not only is she beautiful, she has a good temperament, and her talent is unmatched. It's very mysterious, now the whole capital is paying close attention to this beautiful woman, presumably the future marriage will be even more extraordinary."

 The fourth update is over~ Don't forget to play Kao, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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