Chapter 213 This Never Happened
While listening to Shu Ling's praise, Jiang Xin recalled the plot of the novel with her fingers. Who could be the stunningly talented Kyoto talented woman? Which high-ranking girl who has never been out of the court can be called such a title? , After thinking about it for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason, Jiang Xin simply didn't want to, anyone is fine, as long as it's not that Hai Yunyan.

Supervision Division.

Qiu Yuebai was still dealing with that explosive, complicated and tricky case.

In the morning, Zou Xian reported to the Supervision Department that there was something important to do. On the way to the Supervision Department, Qiu Yuebai learned from Zou Xian that the incident happened last night.

Chen Han, the third-rank officer in charge of the Imperial Garrison in Kyoto, and Liu Jianwen, the fourth-rank censor of the Supervision Department, had a fierce conflict with Jinjie. Injured Liu Jianwen, Liu Jianwen lost a lot of blood, so far his life is still in critical condition.

This kind of conflict that broke out between high-level officials in Kyoto has extremely bad effects, and it has never happened since His Majesty succeeded to the throne.

A general of the third rank and a censor of the fourth rank were so worried that Jing Zhaoyin lost his hair. He really couldn't afford to offend both sides. For such a difficult matter, Jing Zhaoyin really had no way out. There is a place called the Supervision Department, and there is a high-ranking Xunyang King who is not afraid of offending all officials, especially Liu Jianwen, who works in the Supervision Department. It couldn't be more suitable.

Therefore, Qiu Yuebai left Jiang Xin's gentle hometown because of such an unimaginable and badly affecting case.

"My lord, Mr. Liu has been rescued, but his arm may no longer be able to hold a pen"

A civil servant, who studied hard for ten years in the cold window and worked hard for ten years, is now over forty years old, in the prime of his life, but lost his right arm, and can no longer hold a pen in this life. One can imagine the seriousness of this situation.

"Where is Chen Han now?" Qiu Yuebai asked.

"Go back to the prince, Chen Han has been taken to the Supervision Department and put in jail, waiting for the prince to interrogate."

"Not in a hurry." Qiu Yuebai said flatly, still flipping through the file in her hand.

Qiu Yuebai has studied that file countless times. This Chen Han and Liu Jianwen didn't have much contact with each other before. They are about the same age, both around 40 years old. He must have done a lot of things. Liu Jianwen had handled some cases before, and Chen Han was inevitably involved.

Careful Qiu Yuebai discovered that there are many similarities between Chen Han and Liu Jianwen. For example, they each have a daughter who is now in her boudoir. , Aristocratic Ladies' Poetry Club.
Just when Qiu Yuebai was thinking about whether this was related, Li Juan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, came. Li Juan was a first-rank official, and would never come to the Supervision Department in person if he had no important business. Now he not only came in person, but also brought a young man.

When Li Juan saw Qiu Yuebai, he bowed respectfully and saluted:

"My minister, Li Juan, pays his respects to His Royal Highness King Xunyang."

The man brought by Li Juan was about 20 years old, tall and thin, well-proportioned, fair-skinned, with very handsome facial features, especially a pair of smiling eyes, which were extremely pleasing.

The man also bowed down respectfully and imitated:
"Chen Lu Xiaosi pays homage to His Royal Highness King Xunyang."

Li Juan glared at Lu Xiaosi, as if reminding him that you have no official status, why don't you bow down when you see His Highness King Xunyang?

Lu Xiaosi didn't seem to have seen it, not only did not bow down, but raised his head after bowing down, looking at Qiu Yuebai with a pair of smiling eyes, his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, very natural, and even full of curious scrutiny.

 The cookies are almost posted, it's time for the plot, today's update is late again, huh!

  I'm still in the pk position, continue to ask for tickets or something
  Reader group: 278511405 There are few people in the group, so everyone needs to get on board quickly~
(End of this chapter)

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