Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 214 Arrange a job through the back door

Chapter 214 Arrange a job through the back door
In fact, Qiu Yuebai didn't pay much attention to this young man, and she didn't take Lu Xiaosi's transgression at all. Compared with Lu Xiaosi, Qiu Yuebai cared more about the purpose of Li Juan's trip.

Then he asked Li Juan:
"Master Li, is there something important?"

Li Juan took a step forward, deliberately avoiding Lu Xiaosi, and quickly explained to the prince his intention:
"Reporting to Your Highness, the reason why I brought Lu Xiaosi here today is to ask the prince to keep Lu Xiaosi in the Supervision Department, and just arrange an errand for him. It's different, he is the fourth son of General Lu Yuan's family, and he has been guarding the border with the Lu family before, but because he got into trouble a few months ago, General Lu Yuan couldn't tolerate him, so he sent him back. The minister and General Lu have a good relationship. So he entrusted Lu Xiaosi to the minister, but the minister couldn't make up his mind, so he asked His Majesty for instructions. His Majesty was grateful for the hard work of General Lu's family, so he directly issued an order, asking the minister to lead Lu Xiaosi to your lord, you are troubled , just arrange it for him."

After Li Juan finished speaking, his forehead was covered with sweat. Talking to King Xunyang always makes people feel oppressed.

After listening to what Li Juan said quietly, Qiu Yuebai just said "huh" and said nothing else.

At this moment, Qiu Yuebai was extremely unhappy. The Lu family belonged to the first family of Da Rao. The whole family guarded the border and paid a lot for Da Rao. His Majesty attached great importance to the Lu family, so Qiu Yuebai could fully understand.But, just because of this, he was able to rely on his status and status to put his own child in his supervisory department. Where is his supervisory department?

If Li Juan hadn't just said that His Majesty had ordered him, Qiu Yuebai would have invited the two of them out directly, and would not have kept any sympathy.

Being so silent made Li Juan even more uneasy, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart that Lu Yuan, the old man, had created such a big problem for himself.

Just when Li Juan was hesitating whether to continue to say something, Lu Xiaosi, who had been casting his eyes around, suddenly said:

"Your Highness, Chen Lu Xiaosi has the guts to say a few words."

As soon as these words came out, the sweat on Li Juan's forehead came down again. This Lu Xiaosi is notoriously unruly and unruly. Even his own father Lu Yuan can't stand it. Who else can do anything about him? Li Juan Knowing that Lu Xiaosi couldn't be allowed to speak again, he hurriedly tried to stop her.

Qiu Yuebai's self-cultivation is still very good. Before Li Juan could speak, he spoke first:

Li Juan was startled, and didn't dare to say anything more, but his heart became more and more flustered. He was really afraid that Lu Xiaosi would say something that was not shocking and endless.

Lu Xiaosi's state was very relaxed, he raised his hand and said with a smile:
"My lord's supervisory department is used to monitor all officials, whether they are corrupt or not, and whether they are fulfilling their duties. I feel that it is very suitable for someone like me to serve here. My lord, don't hesitate to accept me. I have no idea what the lord will do next. , is absolutely beneficial and harmless.”

This time the tone was too ostentatious, and Li Juan felt that his old bones were so frightened that he was about to faint.

Qiu Yuebai glanced at Lu Xiaosi, this kind of young man who was spoiled and raised by a wealthy family has such virtues, lack of ability, strong tone, high-mindedness and low-handedness, unbearable, Qiu Yuebai really doesn't want to waste time on him.

So what if there is an order from His Majesty, Qiu Yuebai didn't want to bear it for a moment, just when he wanted to wave away this Lu Xiaosi, Lu Xiaosi said again:
"My lord, don't be in a hurry to drive me away. If I help you solve the case between Mr. Chen and Mr. Liu, why don't you leave me?"

 Don't panic, it's still the fourth watch today, the cutie who is too sleepy can go to bed first, I will definitely finish it before 12 o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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