Chapter 297
King Xunyang's sudden rage stunned the busy servants in Nuanyang Palace.

Everyone didn't understand the situation, they all bent down and knelt down in a panic, not daring to make a sound.

Liu Pen and Zhu Qing are both Jiang Xin's personal servants, and they also have inexplicable faces.

Looking at Qiu Yuebai's slightly red eyes, Jiang Xin deeply felt for the first time that Qiu Yuebai was so worried about her, so worried that she just made a movement of comparing her heart with a dagger.

He roared, he roared, his slightly red eyes, and the slightly trembling hand that was tightly clutching his arm at this moment.

Jiang Xin understood all of this. Qiu Yuebai was scared, and King Xunyang, who ruled the court and was fearless, showed a fragile and timid side in front of her.

Jiang Xin's mood was a little messy, she stretched out her hand unconsciously, and gently caressed Qiu Yuebai's eyes as bright as the stars in the night sky, she didn't know what to say to ease Qiu Yuebai's anger, so she took out another Using her usual tricks, she said softly:
"My lord, you came back very early."

Qiu Yuebai's complexion still did not ease, his chest heaved and heaved, obviously he was also very angry, he said coldly:
"Fortunately, the king came back early, otherwise? What else do you want to do to yourself?"

Qiuyue glanced at the sharp dagger on the ground out of the corner of her eyes, kicked it hard, and kicked the dagger far away.

The dagger slid on the ground for a while, and stopped in front of Liu Pen and Zhuqing. Zhuqing still didn't understand, but the moment Liu Pen's eyes fell on the dagger, he immediately understood the reason for the prince's anger. Then, the hairs on the back suddenly stood up, and cold sweat couldn't help dripping down.

Jiang Xin smiled guiltyly, then stretched out her other hand in front of Qiu Yuebai, and whispered:
"I'm trimming my nails."

Qiu Yuebai's eyes seemed to have frozen:

"Do you have to make gestures towards your chest when trimming your nails? Jiang Xin, you are still like this. You don't tell the truth. It seems that you have forgotten what you promised before. This king is really disappointed!"

But this time without waiting for Jiang Xin to speak, Qiu Yuebai's cold and hard eyes turned directly to Liu Pen, Zhu Qing and other personal servants.

Those eyes were pitch black, and an icy chill burst out in an instant. Zhuqing just took a look, and her body went limp, and her legs trembled unceasingly.

Liu Pen's face was calm, he knew that the prince was angry, and no matter what the prince did to him next, he would admit it, because he was extremely remorseful, and he couldn't take good care of the nobleman anyway.

Qiu Yuebai's tone reached a freezing point:
"Liu Pen, Zhuqing, Lihua, you guys can't even protect your master, what is the use of the king wanting you, immediately go to the inner prison to receive fifty boards each, Liu Pen, your crime will be worse, and you will be dismissed and investigated. You don’t need to stay in the palace anymore!”

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Xin was completely panicked.

She grabbed Qiu Yuebai's arm with her backhand:

"I don't agree! No one can touch them!"

Qiu Yuebai glanced at Jiang Xin:
"You don't agree? In this palace, you have the final say, or this king has the final say?"

Jiang Xin's heart fluttered, and Qiu Yuebai just got to the end today, [-] big boards, so Zhuqing and Lihua still have a life after receiving [-] big boards?What's more, they didn't do anything wrong.

This is the first time for Jiang Xin to feel the horror of Qiuyue Bai's thunderous anger.

Even if it's scary, Jiang Xin has to face it. She straightened her neck, looked directly at Qiu Yuebai's piercing eyes, and said bluntly:
"My lord, you are angry because of me, then you come to me, what are you doing with them?"

 More tickets will be added. I will read the daily newspaper tomorrow. More than [-] recommended tickets will be added, and more than five monthly tickets will be added. Well, that’s it.

  Three chapters will be updated in the early morning, the kind you have been waiting for~
(End of this chapter)

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