Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 298 Cover Your Mouth With My Mouth

Chapter 298 Cover Your Mouth With My Mouth

"The tone is not small, coming towards you?" Qiu Yuebai snorted coldly.

Jiang Xin looked determined:
"Yes, if you want to be killed, you must be cut. One person should be responsible for the work, and the innocent should not be hurt."

Qiuyue Bai frowned tightly, her eyes met, and the two faced each other silently.

In Qiuyuebai's dark eyes, the original anger gradually dissipated, and then a wounded look was cast on him. He smiled wryly and shook his head:
"If you want to kill or cut, do you think that this king will want your life?"

Jiang Xin bit her lower lip, and looked away. If Qiu Yuebai was tough, she could be tougher than Qiu Yuebai, but once Qiu Yuebai softened, Jiang Xin felt uncomfortable.

Did what she said just now really hurt someone? She knew very well in her heart that Qiu Yuebai was worried about her, worried about her!
How could he say such cruel words.

Words that are spoken out are like pouring water, and it will definitely not be taken back.

Qiu Yuebai's voice was low and filled with infinite loneliness:
"It was in vain that this king tried his best to get out of the palace, just to come back early to see you, and to accompany you to watch the New Year's Eve, but this is how you greeted this king. Maybe, after all, this king was wrong. Your heart is made of stone. Yes, your eyes can't see anything, I don't even know what you are thinking all day long, you always do some incredible things, so that I can't see through, how many times I want you to To be honest with each other is actually harder than climbing to the sky.”

Jiang Xin heard Qiu Yuebai say so many words in one breath, as if the heart in her chest was being pulled hard again, causing her to burst into pain.

She didn't dare to look into Qiu Yuebai's eyes, she couldn't bear it.

"Jiang Xin, how do you feel about me?"

In the end, Qiu Yuebai still asked what she had always wanted to ask.

Jiang Xin raised her head abruptly, and suddenly bumped into Qiu Yuebai's deep, dark eyes, which seemed to be brewing with an indelible richness, making Jiang Xin deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate herself.

Qiu Yuebai said what she had always wanted to say in her heart, but after a long time, she still couldn't wait for a response.

There was a broken sound from his heart, and this dull pain made him almost suffocate.

Just when Qiu Yuebai was disappointed, sad, and felt that her whole body seemed to have no strength, suddenly, her lips were cold, soft, sweet and greasy, like the best sweet-scented osmanthus brewed.
The sweet-scented osmanthus made him intoxicated.

Jiang Xin didn't know why she acted like this, she has always been illogical, including this time of course.

Anyway, she wanted to do it, and she did it.

Jiang Xin stood on tiptoe, hugged Qiu Yuebai's tender neck tightly with both hands, and kissed him forcefully
Even if Qiu Yuebai would push her away, or scold her for being bold, rude, or rude, she just wanted to kiss him today!

However, the peerless handsome man who had been kissed by force in front of him didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, Qiu Yuebai just stood there, like a tree stump, allowing her to kiss her.

Jiang Xin was not polite, of course, she kissed clumsily for a while without any skills, and then she felt it was okay, and left Qiu Yuebai's lips.

But as soon as he left, the stump immediately reacted again. Jiang Xin first felt Qiu Yuebai's arms around her waist, and then pushed her hard, bringing her into his arms. , unexpectedly took the initiative to kiss her, and rubbed her vigorously, as if to swallow her up.

(End of this chapter)

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