Chapter 505
Prime Minister Hai frowned:

"Which Jiang Xin?"

Hai Yunyan:
"It's the Jiang family, the side concubine of King Xunyang."

"That vicious woman? How is it possible, Yan'er, stop talking nonsense!"

"Father, I'm not talking nonsense." Hai Yunyan emphasized.

Afterwards, she told her father everything about discovering Jiang Xin's birthmark and seeing that birthmark when she was a child.

After hearing this, Prime Minister Hai fell silent.

After a long time, Prime Minister Hai said slowly:

"It's just a birthmark, and it's hard to explain anything."

"No, father, that birthmark is very special, it is not ordinary at all."

Hai Xiang paused, he rarely saw Hai Yunyan's affirmation.

My daughter has always been thoughtful and meticulous. If she is so sure, then this matter is enough to attract attention.

Hai Yunyan said again:
"Father, you once told me that the Lu family vowed to guard the border and would never return to Beijing without special circumstances, but why did the fourth and third sons of the Lu family come back one after another since last year? For what purpose? For example, to find someone?"

Prime Minister Hai immediately realized that this matter was unusual.

He thought for a moment, then said:

"Since you are worried about Yan'er, we might as well give it a try."

"How to try?" Hai Yunyan asked.

Marine phase:

"Yan'er, do you still remember what that birthmark looked like?"

Hai Yunyan nodded.

Prime Minister Hai explained his plan:

"We can find a woman who is about the same age as Jiang Xin, and have the exact same birthmark tattooed on her back, when the time comes."

After Hai Yunyan listened, she immediately agreed, she said:
"In this way, we can find out whether the Lu family is looking for a daughter, and whether the daughter the Lu family is looking for is actually Jiang Xin."

Prime Minister Hai nodded.

Hai Yunyan suddenly said again:
"Father, what if Jiang Xin is the daughter of the Lu family?"

Haixiang said:
"Now that you have been betrothed to the King of Jinyang by the emperor, our Hai family is completely on the side of King Jinyang, and there is no room for turning back. If King Xunyang marries the daughter of the Lu family, it will be a big deal for us." There is no benefit at all, so we must not let this happen!"

"Father, my daughter listens to you." Hai Yunyan said obediently.

Concubine Shu returned to the Qilin Hall, and after hearing the report from her subordinates, she was immediately furious:
"It turned out to be because of Jiang Xin! This Jiang Xin looks quite docile, how could she do such a thing that she is so proud of, causing the prince to be reprimanded by His Majesty, what should she do?"

The personal maid brings tea:

"Your Majesty, calm down."

Concubine Shu overturned the tea:
"How can I appease my anger? Since ancient times, my beauty has been a disaster. As expected, Hai Yunyan is now married to King Jinyang and has become a concubine. From now on, Prime Minister Hai and Hai's family will be firmly tied to King Jinyang, Your Majesty." It is already obvious that I prefer King Jinyang, I must make plans for my son as soon as possible, the candidate for the right concubine of King Xunyang must have a noble status! You must not be like Jiang Xin! Nothing will happen, only bad things will happen!"

At night, Xunyang Palace.

After dinner, Jiang Xin sat on the bed, recalling everything that happened today, the more she thought about it, the more disturbed she became.

After Qiu Yuebai took a bath, she wiped her wet hair, and then she couldn't wait to get on the bed, wrapping the soft Jiang Xin into her arms.

Jiang Xin pushed gently, Qiu Yuebai sank her face into the hollow of her neck, and said:

"Is it wrong for you to leave halfway today?"

Qiuyue's white eyes turned cold for half a minute, and then returned to normal:
"It's not wrong, don't think too much."

(End of this chapter)

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