Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 506 Have You Fallen From Favor?

Chapter 506 Have You Fallen From Favor?

In fact, Qiu Yuebai already knew about it in the afternoon, and her father suddenly went to Baihua Garden.

At that time, if he rushed back, there was still time, but he didn't do that.

He just wanted to be by Jiang Xin's side. He insisted on letting Jiang Xin go to the Hundred Gardens today. He wanted to make her happy, but unexpectedly, he still underestimated the despicableness of those people, and finally made Jiang Xin suffer. Aggrieved, this has already made Qiu Yuebai feel very self-blame in her heart. Only by staying close to Jiang Xin can she make up for what she owed to Jiang Xin and comfort her. How could she choose to leave her at this time?

In the hibiscus tent, there is a moment of spring night.

Qiu Yuebai kissed every inch of Jiang Xin's skin, trying to pour all her love on Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin is only happy at the moment, and has long forgotten the unhappiness that happened during the day.

Afterwards, Qiu Yuebai hugged Jiang Xin, refusing to let go, stroking Jiang Xin's back with a pair of big hands, and realized that the maple leaf birthmark on Jiang Xin's back became more and more pink and eye-catching.

"Baibai, what are you looking at?" Jiang Xin whispered.

"Xin'er, your birthmark seems to have changed."

Jiang Xin couldn't see the condition of her back, but she could also imagine that she smiled ambiguously:
"It may be caused by the rise in body temperature after strenuous exercise."

After all, he even covered his little head with the quilt, only showing one eye to secretly look at Qiu Yuebai, Qiu Yuebai was amused by Jiang Xin, lifted the quilt and slipped in
The next day, Concubine Shu, who was full of resentment, didn't bother Jiang Xin because she had other things to do.

Emperor Yongning entrusted her with a task again. Princess Yu has come. It is said that this Princess Yu is in her 40s. , she will come to Darao as an envoy of Yu State.

Because the envoy is a woman and a princess, the state of Yu has become more and more powerful in the past few years and cannot be neglected, so the matter of receiving the princess of the state of Yu is handed over to Concubine Shu, which can be regarded as giving enough face to the state of Yu and the princess of the state of Yu.

And since King Jinyang's birthday banquet, Jiang Xin found that Qiu Yuebai seemed to be much freer than before.

Although Qiu Yuebai was able to spend more time with Jiang Xin, Jiang Xin still keenly sensed that something was wrong.

In the afternoon of this day, Jiang Xin asked Qiu Yuebai:

"Bai Bai, tell me the truth, have you fallen out of favor?"

"What fell out of favor?"

"Just in the court, does the emperor not value you?"

When Qiuyuebai heard the words, she just stroked Jiang Xin's hair gently with a smile:
"Does it matter?"

Jiang Xin said sternly:
"Of course it's important!"

Jiang Xin counted the time, that is, in this year, Emperor Yongning will establish a crown prince. If Qiu Yuebai's situation continues like this, the position of crown prince will probably fall on the head of King Jinyang.

If Qiu Yuebai fails to become the crown prince, how will he inherit the throne in the future, wouldn't the whole plot be completely rewritten?

Jiang Xin didn't allow this uncontrollable situation to happen, she wanted Qiu Yuebai to live in peace and prosperity for the rest of her life, just like in her novel, to be a prince, to be an emperor, to have a full family of children and grandchildren, to create a century of prosperity for Darao.

On the other hand, Qiu Yuebai still didn't care about it.

Because of this, Jiang Xin was going to die of worry.

Lu Xiaosi, who hadn't gone to the Xunyang Palace to teach Xiao Rui'er for many days, planned to go to the Xunyang Palace today, but as soon as she stepped out of the room, she was stopped by Lu Xueshan who rushed over in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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