Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Chapter 516 In vain is still really obedient

Chapter 516 Baibai is still really obedient
So, Jiang Xin asked if what happened that day in Baihuayuan made His Majesty the Emperor unhappy.

Qiu Yuebai didn't say anything at first, but Jiang Xin insisted on asking.

Qiu Yuebai finally admitted.

After Qiu Yuebai admitted it, she asked back:
"How did you know about this?"

Jiang Xin avoided answering, but tried her best to persuade the prince to take the initiative to repair the relationship with His Majesty the Emperor.

Qiu Yuebai immediately guessed:
"Did your concubine ask you to tell me this?"

Jiang Xin was guessed right, and immediately chose to strike first. She threw Qiu Yuebai down at once, pinching Qiu Yuebai's face with both hands:
"I don't care, you just say whether you want to listen to me!"

Qiu Yuebai found it funny:
"What are you listening to?"

The little devil in Jiang Xin's heart was causing trouble, and the hands on Qiu Yuebai's face restlessly rubbed them until Qiu Yuebai's handsome face was deformed. Next, it turned out to be ugly.

After Jiang Xin succeeded, she laughed so hard.

But Jiang Xin was overjoyed too early, and Qiu Yuebai was crushed under him if she didn't pay attention, and was eaten up by Qiu Yuebai the next night.

Early the next morning, Qiu Yuebai got up to get dressed, slowly stretched out an arm from the curtain, raised her hand weakly, and pulled Qiu Yuebai's skirt.

Qiu Yuebai leaned over and patted that tender white arm lightly.

Jiang Xin's voice came faintly:
"Sir, what you promised him last night"

There was actually some smile in Qiuyue Bai's tone:
"Don't worry, I will enter the palace today to pay my respects to my father."

Only then did Jiang Xin feel relieved. In short, Qiu Yuebai hadn't been tossing her all night in vain. It was not in vain to be able to persuade Qiu Yuebai to take the initiative to repair the relationship with His Majesty the Emperor.

In this way, a few days passed in a flash.

During this period of time, Qiu Yuebai frequently entered the palace, and the relationship between Emperor Yongning and Qiu Yuebai also improved a lot.

Qiu Yuebai naturally also knew that Yu State sent an envoy, Wei Langji, to bring Yu State Princess to Darao, but this matter had little to do with him, and Emperor Yongning never sent Qiu Yuebai to Yu State and others. So Qiu Yuebai didn't take this matter to heart.

Every day when Qiu Yuebai came back from the palace, he was in the Supervision Department during the day, and when he returned to the mansion in the evening, Jiang Xin was always waiting for him, and there was little Ruier who was lively and cute. Qiu Yuebai cherished the current life very much, and felt that this It was the happiest period of his past 20 years.

However, Lu Mansion was not peaceful.

During this period of time, Lu Xiaosi asked for leave frequently in order to investigate that matter, which made Mr. Ling Feng not want to talk to him anymore.

He promised Lord Lingfeng that after he found his sister, he would make up for it.

This day, Lu Xiaosi ran back to the Lu Mansion in a hurry, found Lu Xueshan, and said hurriedly:
"Third Brother, I found out that the person who went to buy the medicine that day was someone from Haixiang's Mansion!"

Lu Xueshan was surprised:
"Hai Xiang Mansion?"

"Yes, in the backyard of Prime Minister Hai's mansion, Prime Minister Hai has no wives and concubines, and only his daughter is in the backyard of his mansion."

Lu Xueshan immediately understood:
"That is to say, the person who sent someone to get the medicine from Xuji Pharmacy is probably the daughter of Prime Minister Hai, is it Hai Yunyan?"

Lu Xiaosi nodded:
"It's possible."

Lu Xueshan stood with his hands behind his back:

"I think it's very likely."

Lu Xiaosi:
"Third brother, how did you see it?"

Lu Xueshan turned around and looked at Lu Xiaosi:
"Quan'er sent a message and came back."

Lu Xiaosi was startled:
"So fast?"

Lu Xueshan said:

"Quan'er took the carrier pigeon with her when she left, and she rode fast and starry night. After arriving, Doctor Lin stayed up all night, and finally studied the properties of the medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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