Chapter 517 The decree is here
Lu Xiaosi was a little anxious:

"What the hell is this for?"

"Women are infertile." Lu Xueshan said.

"Ah?" Lu Xiaosi was even more surprised.

"So, based on what you've found, and the people targeted by this drug, it's very likely that it's Hai Yunyan."

Lu Xiaosi's teeth itch with hatred:
"The thieves father and daughter have tried to harm our Lu Mansion several times, what exactly is it for? Now they even know about my sister, not only that, but also framed us with my sister's affairs. It's really a shame!"

Lu Xueshan was obviously not as excited as Lu Xiaosi, he was even a little happy.

"Third brother, why are you still laughing? Are you angry?"

Lu Xueshan gave Lu Xiaosi a glance:
"I think you are the one who has gone mad with anger. You have lost even the most basic sense. Where is your cleverness?"

After being attacked by the third brother, Lu Xiaosi immediately turned off the fire. He said:

"I'm so angry that they are talking about our little sister, but third brother, you are right. I should calm down. As you said, the current situation is beneficial to us. They never imagined that we will be in such a short period of time. , I have checked everything they did, not only that, but also got an unexpected harvest!"

Lu Xueshan nodded:

"It's this unexpected harvest, which is really useful. Last time in Guangqu Baihua Garden, His Majesty the Emperor personally bestowed a marriage, and betrothed Haiyunyan, the daughter of Haixiang, to His Royal Highness King Jinyang. The whole Yijing knew about such a great honor. , but who would have thought that Hai Yunyan is suffering from infertility, if this matter is publicized, then Haifu will be guilty of deceiving the emperor!"

Lu Xiaosi said angrily:

"This Prime Minister Hai is really daring. His daughter has such a disease, but she still wants to marry into the royal family. This is to cut off the incense for the royal family."

Lu Xueshan said:

"Xiao Si, we can now be absolutely sure that our little sister is definitely in Yijing. We have to find the little girl as soon as possible, and we can't let her be taken advantage of by those who want to."

Lu Xiaosi thought for a while:

"The thief father and daughter must know where the little sister is. Hai Yunyan can draw the appearance of the birthmark, which means that she has seen it with her own eyes, and it was not long ago!"

Lu Xueshan agreed with Lu Xiaosi's analysis:
"Xiaosi, continue talking."

"A lady like Hai Yunyan always stays out of the house. The number of times she has gone out in the past six months has been very small. First of all, it can be ruled out that the young girl must not be from Haifu, and then she must be outside the mansion. Then I will continue. Go and find out where Hai Yunyan has been recently, who he has met, and what kind of opportunity he has to see the birthmarks on other women, so that we can eliminate them one by one, and then lock the target, we will definitely be able to find out the clues."

Lu Xueshan's eyes showed admiration:

"Xiao Si is worthy of being Lu Jia Erlang. It can be seen that you have not experienced in vain in the past year. You have grown rapidly and made a lot of progress. If your parents can see you, they will be very pleased."

Lu Xiaosi:
"The most important thing is to find my sister. As long as I can find my sister, I am willing to do anything."

Lu Xueshan had the same idea.

The Xunyang Palace has been very peaceful for the past few days, until an imperial decree was issued suddenly.
Inside the Qilin Hall, Concubine Shu's personal maid trotted all the way back to the main hall.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has finally decreed that Wei Linlang, the Princess of Yu Country, betrothed to His Royal Highness King Xunyang as his concubine."

Concubine Shu was ecstatic:

"That's great, it's not in vain to waste my planning for so long! The Xunyang Palace already knows about it?"

 Dear dears, I am extremely sorry for the time ago. The one who can persist in waiting for me here is true love. To all dears, I can only thank you!In the future, I will keep updating and explain all the plots in the book clearly. The book is expected to be completed before mid-May.

  There is one more thing to announce, this book has been remade into a live-action micro-drama, which is currently on the air!

  Interested relatives can search for "Why the King's Concubine Doesn't Compete for Favor" on the Tencent Weishi APP to watch!The style of the adaptation is funny and cheerful, and it's quite interesting, everyone, go check it out!love you fish~
(End of this chapter)

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