Chapter 518 Where to Go
The maid replied:

"It is estimated that the eunuch who will deliver the decree has already read the imperial decree."

Concubine Shu happily walked around twice, clasped her hands together:
"God bless, I hope that Jiang Xin will not do anything wrong, so that my son can marry the princess smoothly."

The maid comforted:
"Your Majesty, don't worry, whoever dares to disobey His Majesty's will, besides, the sudden occurrence of this matter, both the Prince and Concubine Jiang were caught off guard, so they could only accept it."

Concubine Shu nodded:
"hope so."

The imperial decree was issued early in the morning, when Qiu Yuebai and Yu Jiang Xin had just finished their breakfast, and just as Qiu Yuebai was about to leave the mansion, the chief eunuch in the palace came to the door.

As soon as the imperial decree was read out, everyone was dumbfounded.

"His Royal Highness King Xunyang, Concubine Jiangside, accept the order quickly."

Jiang Xin knelt there, her whole body froze. It happened so suddenly that she had no time to react.

Why is my husband suddenly going to marry another woman, and he is still a princess who came out of nowhere?
Qiu Yuebai reacted quickly, he got up and took a step forward, and said to the eunuch:
"My king has delayed receiving the order. There is still something unclear about this matter. After this king, I will enter the palace and meet your majesty."

The eunuch seemed to have expected that King Xunyang would say this, he bowed respectfully, and said:
"The slave advises the prince not to act impulsively. His Majesty has already made a conclusion on this matter. It is useless to say more."

Qiu Yuebai realized that something was wrong:

"What does the father-in-law mean by this?"

The eunuch whispered:

"Your Majesty also ordered the servants to convey it. Your Majesty said, if His Highness King Xunyang refuses to accept the order, you will immediately convict him of resisting the decree. Your Highness, this servant advises you that your relationship with His Majesty the Emperor has just been eased." , Your Majesty's gift of marriage to you is also an honor and love for you, and I hope that His Majesty will not disappoint His Majesty's painstaking efforts."

After finishing speaking, he didn't give Qiu Yuebai any more chances, and directly stuffed the imperial decree into Qiu Yuebai's arms, turned around and was about to leave.

Qiu Yuebai still refused to accept it.

Seeing that the imperial decree was about to fall, Jiang Xin, who had heard the whole thing clearly, reacted quickly, and immediately rushed to catch the imperial decree.

It is disrespectful for the imperial decree to be implemented. If it is spread at this time, Qiu Yuebai will be to blame. Jiang Xin does not want Qiu Yuebai to fall into that kind of predicament.

So, she caught it.

At the moment of catching it, Qiu Yuebai met Jiang Xin's eyes.

Qiuyue's white eyebrows and eyes are like stars, and in those deep pool-like black eyes, earth-shaking and fiery emotions are brewing.

Jiang Xin's heart was twisted like a knife, she hugged Qiu Yuebai, her arms tightly wrapped around Qiu Yuebai's neck, her face was pressed against his broad chest, feeling his strong and strong heartbeat, tears burst out instantly.

Such Qiu Yuebai, just a look, made Jiang Xin feel extremely distressed.

She murmured:

"I have never written the role of Princess Yu. It seems that the plot after that is no longer under my control."

Jiang Xin's words sounded inexplicable, but Qiu Yuebai understood what she meant.

Because he followed her to her world and knew everything about her.

This world is no longer under Jiang Xin's control, so Qiu Yuebai just wants to resist all this for Jiang Xin.

Qiu Yuebai caressed Jiang Xin's back, his tone was extremely firm:
"No matter who she is, I, Qiu Yuebai, will definitely not marry her. The position of Princess Xunyang can only be Jiang Xin."

Jiang Xin looked up at Qiu Yuebai, the imperial decree in her hand was heavy, and her heart sank slowly.

She realized that she might have made another big mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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