Chapter 527
Jiang Xin was a little puzzled, the two brothers were really weird today, no, it seemed that since they met outside the palace gate that day, they felt weird.

It was better for Lu Xueshan to be calmer. He came forward to greet Jiang Xin gently, and then ordered the maidservant to come and serve her. She was very considerate.

Jiang Xin couldn't help thinking that Lu Xiaosi once complained to her about her third brother, who had a mean tongue and so on, but now that he had met him a few times, Jiang Xin didn't feel that Lu Xueshan was a mean-tongued person at all, he was obviously a refined and gentle person Well.

After Lu Xueshan left, Jiang Xin finally had a chance to talk to Lu Xiaosi alone, she said to Lu Xiaosi:
"Your third brother looks really good. Your words are quite watery. I can't listen to your one-sided and frank words in the future. It's unfair."

Lu Xiaosi was surprised:
"Not bad? What's good about him, you haven't seen his true face, third brother is only like this in front of you."

"Why in front of me?" Jiang Xin was puzzled.

Lu Xiaosi consciously made a slip of the tongue and shut up quickly.

Jiang Xin lowered her voice and asked again:
"Why haven't you come to the palace for a long time, Xiao Rui'er misses you as a master, and clamors to see you every day."

Lu Xiaosi looked at Jiang Xin and felt extremely ashamed. He really felt sorry for Xiao Ruirui, but it was all about looking for his sister. Now the most likely person is in front of him, but he can't show it.

Lu Xiaosi could only say:

"When I finish my work during this period of time, I must go and explain to Xiao Rui'er in person."

"What have you been up to recently?" Jiang Xin asked curiously.

Lu Xiaosi subconsciously dodged away from Jiang Xin's clear and bright eyes.

He looked away and looked at the few maidservants left by Lu Xueshan, among them was Quan'er.

Quan'er hurried back, just in time for today's hot spring banquet. As the person who checked Jiang Xin's identity, he and his third brother thought over and over again, and they both felt that Quan'er was the best candidate.

Therefore, no matter how much attention is paid to today's hot spring banquet by the nobles in Beijing, or how glorious the hot spring palace is today, the protagonist is Jiang Xin, and there is only one purpose, which is to prove whether Jiang Xin is the younger sister of the Lu family. .

"The Tangquan Pond in the back hall is clean and there are few people. You should take Empress Jiang there first, and be sure to serve her well."

A group of maidservants bowed and said yes.

Lu Xiaosi had to go outside to entertain guests, and Jiang Xin couldn't say anything more to him, so she went down to the back hall surrounded by a group of maidservants.

The most luxurious apse of the entire hot spring palace really deserves its reputation. This is not a place where ordinary people can set foot. Those who can bathe in the hot spring here are extremely honorable.

Jiang Xin was a little suspicious. The reason why the brothers of the Lu family treated her so kindly and regarded her as their honored guest was because she was the side concubine of King Xunyang?But this is a bit too grand.

Liu Pen stood guard outside the gate of the palace, and Qing Yu accompanied Jiang Xin inside.

At this time, the maidservants have prepared clothes, drinks, snacks, melons and fruits.
With Qing Yu's support, Jiang Xin sat down slowly. She sat by the edge of the soup spring, her legs were soaked in the soup spring, and she felt that the blood in her body was flowing freely, the heat was steaming, and she was very comfortable.

At this time, a maid came out slowly and said softly:
"Your Majesty, this servant will change your clothes for you."

Jiang Xin raised her eyes to look at her, and at a glance, she felt that the servant girl seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Girl, where did you work before?" Jiang Xin asked.

Quan'er was slightly taken aback, not knowing why this lady Jiang asked such a question.

(End of this chapter)

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