Why doesn't this king's concubine compete for favor?

Did Chapter 528 appear in the original book?

Did Chapter 528 appear in the original book?

When Mr. Lu solemnly handed over this important task to Quan'er, Quan'er was very excited.

The wound on her face has almost healed, although there are still some traces, but as long as she puts on makeup, it will not be visible.

Today's Quan'er, although she still can't remember the past, is like a newborn.

Quan'er knew very well that Mr. Lu Xueshan gave all of these things to her, and she would die for the things that Mr. Lu entrusted to her.

In fact, today's task is far easier than the last time I went to the valley to find Dr. Lin. Today, she only needs to use the excuse of changing the clothes of the Jiang side concubine to see if there is a pink maple leaf-shaped birthmark on the Jiang side concubine's shoulders.

Mr. Lu showed her the shape of the birthmark, and she had already engraved it in her mind.

Quan'er had already rehearsed the process of completing the task countless times in her mind, but when she saw the Jiang side concubine, she was still shocked unexpectedly.

She had heard about the appearance of this concubine on the side of the river in the Xunyang Palace for a long time, but after meeting her, she really understood what it means to be charming and beautiful.

At this moment, this Empress Jiang was looking at her with unblinking eyes, and asked where she was working before.

Quan'er was at a loss for words for a while.

Jiang Xin naturally didn't know how much trouble her casual question caused in Quan'er's heart.

But seeing that Quan'er was slightly stunned and didn't answer, she didn't ask any more questions, just smiled, bent down to pick up a handful of hot spring water, and said softly:

"The water quality is really good. It's almost the same as the Yunjing Manor in Suojia Town I went to last time. It's all natural."

As soon as Jiang Xin finished speaking, there was a crisp sound of "哗啦", and a fruit plate fell to the ground.

Jiang Xin glanced over, but it was the maid who wanted to change her clothes just now.

The servant girl's complexion was extremely bad, and her behavior was very strange.

Quan'er froze. She didn't know why. When she heard the words Suojia Town and Yunjing Manor, her heart tensed subconsciously, her brain went blank, and her whole body was completely out of control.

But she immediately realized her situation and quickly knelt down to admit her mistake.

"The servant girl knew her mistake and disturbed the empress, please punish the empress."

Jiang Xin stared at her for a while, and the inexplicable feeling became stronger and stronger. Her memory has always been very good. People who have seen her will definitely have an impression. There is no such kind of haziness. What happened to the living situation.

Jiang Xin wanted to figure this out, so she said:

"It's okay, you get up first, what's your name?"

Jiang Xin hopes to use this as a help to see if she can remember anything.

The maid bowed and answered:

"The servant's name is Quan'er."

Spring?Jiang Xin doesn't remember such a person at all, not in his memory, not in the original book, if he has to rely on the original book, it seems that Lu Xueshan's wife is called Wen Biquan, it was after Jiang Xin watched the TV commercial at that time, he casually came up with such a name.

Jiang Xin gave up, she didn't force it anymore, maybe it was just an illusion, this girl from Quan'er was born delicate and beautiful, especially her pair of eyes were very clear, she seemed to be clever and transparent, she liked it quite a bit.

Qing Yu on the side had already silently cleaned up the melons and fruits on the plate, Quan'er said to Qing Yu with an apologetic face:
"There is a Lao girl."

Qing Yu's eyes flickered at Quan'er, she nodded slightly, but said nothing.

The water in the hot spring hall is dense, exuding misty mist and a faint fragrance. Jiang Xin is very impulsive and wants to slide into the hot spring to enjoy the bubbles.

Quan'er saw Jiang Xin's wishes, she suppressed the complex emotions that had suddenly arisen just now, walked forward with a bathing gauze in her hands, and said to Jiang Xin:
"Your Majesty, this servant will change your clothes for you."

(End of this chapter)

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