Chapter 529 I finally saw it

The keen Qingyu promised the prince to protect his master well, and would not easily let go of any abnormality.

She stopped in front of Jiang Xin without a trace, and said lightly:

"I'll just change the clothes for the empress."

Quan'er was stunned for a moment, it's too bad, she was guarded against, she only blamed herself for losing her composure just now, Quan'er felt so regretful that her intestines turned green.

However, at this time, Jiang Xin opened his mouth:

"Qingyu, let Miss Quan'er serve me."

Qing Yu stepped aside carefully, but kept a close eye on Quan'er in case she made any strange moves.

Jiang Xin stretched out her arms so that Quan'er could change her clothes.

Quan'er suddenly became nervous, she tried her best to calm herself down, stepped forward slowly, and slowly took off Jiang Xin's coat.

Quan'er stared at Jiang Xin's left shoulder without blinking, recalling Lu Xueshan's words in her mind all the time, to confirm whether there was any pain on her left shoulder.
The clothes faded away one by one until only the last one was left, Jiang Xin's beautiful back was finally fully revealed.

Quan'er's heart skipped a beat.

On the snow-white skin of Concubine Jiangside, there was a pink birthmark, which was strikingly obvious.

The shape, color, and location of the birthmark are exactly the same as the picture Lu Gongzi showed Quan'er!
"Miss Quan'er, what are you looking at?"

Qingyu on the side reminded in a cold voice.

Quan'er quickly regained consciousness, she tried her best to restrain herself, but she couldn't bear to tell Lu Xueshan and his brothers about the result.

Although she didn't know what the birthmark represented, she could feel that the current result was exactly what Lu Xueshan and the two brothers wanted to confirm. After they knew it, they would be very, very happy!

Quan'er changed Jiang Xin's gauze clothes for bathing in the hot spring. With bare feet, Jiang Xin slowly descended the white jade steps of Tangquan Pool. The warm hot spring water gradually submerged Jiang Xin's slender ankles. She walked down step by step. , and slowly slipped into the hot spring, the whole body was immediately surrounded by warmth.

Qing Yu waited on the side carefully, and she noticed that the maid who was rushing to change the clothes for the empress just now had disappeared.

Quan'er found an opportunity and quickly slipped away. Now she only has one idea, to see Lu Xueshan as soon as possible and tell him everything she saw.

Jiang Xin didn't pay attention here, as she was soaking in the hot spring, her thoughts drifted away.

Qingyu on the side noticed that the pink birthmark on the empress's shoulder was getting brighter and subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch it lightly. After finishing this action, she immediately realized her impoliteness.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xin turned around and asked.

Qing Yu hurriedly admitted her mistake, and told Jiang Xin the color change she saw.

Jiang Xin couldn't see it by herself, but after listening to Qing Yu, she remembered that she actually had a birthmark on her left shoulder.

She touched the wristband to her back shoulder:

"It's a bit strange, but it's not painful or itchy, and I don't care. I don't usually remember it."

Quan'er ran all the way, and as soon as he ran out of the apse, he saw Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi waiting there from a distance.

Some guests were invited to this hot spring banquet, but at this moment, the two brothers actually put the guests aside, and Baba waited here just for Quan'er to give them an answer.

Quan'er ran to them without any hesitation, she looked at Lu Xueshan, from Lu Xueshan's eyes, she saw full of expectation, even a trace of nervousness, she had never seen Lu Xueshan like this look.

"How? Did you see it?"

Lu Xueshan and Lu Xiaosi asked almost at the same time.

The voices of the two were full of anxiety and expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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